E. Cuniculi? Bird flu? Rhdv? None of the above? Just paranoid?

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Aug 18, 2020
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Okay, this may be a long post, but I have had strange happenings in the barn.
All of it may be related or unrelated. I'm going to try and keep this straight, but let me know if I'm missing any details that may be helpful.
I'm going to start in chronological order, but mind you, I didn't think they had anything to do with each other until later, and I'm still skeptical that it does.

So, I had rescued an english angora baby a while back. He was matted, underweight, and had lots of difficulty standing on his front legs, I assumed neurological. With care and a proper cage and nutrients, he got into top shape. He was named Finnegan (because he's and angora, and his hair would fall out and grow in again, poor old Michael Finnegan begin again, lol). He was a friendly fixture in the born, even siring a fiber litter. Now, 6 months ago, he started going off feed a bit, which is normal for him as it got close to shearing time, so I got him nicely cut and fresh. But then the next day, he had no use of his legs, much like when he was a baby. At this point, he is now up in age and assumed whatever his issues were as a baby resurfaced. I made the decision to put him down, instead of suffering the remaining part of his life.

Next, a few weeks ago, I noticed our rex buck, Ace, his right ear was flopped. So I pulled him out to see if he had an ear infection or mites. Everything looked perfect and clean, no redness. I went ahead and treated him with ivermectin in both ears. I also noted he had a little clear eye discharge, so I applied a dab of terramycin, just to be safe. When I was doing the right eye, his outer eyelids didn't close, but his third eyelid did. Checked the left and they reacted normally. He's not young, but not terribly old, but I began to worry about a stroke. I checked his mouth and teeth for infection, none felt or seen, but it looked like he was dribling a lot of water on his chin when drinking, so still worried about stroke. So, I set him on the ground to see if there was any lameness in his limbs, nothing. He was moving totally normal (taking his chance to run away from me even to explore). So, I have been playing quarantine and monitor since then. I gave him a water bowl along with bottle, just in case. The eye drainage went away immediately, I don't think it was anything. Everything else is the same, active and perky, broken ear and unblinking outer eyelids.

Next, and last, I had a Satin angora, named Anemone. She has had no issues of anything. She was in full coat and it started to molt, so I gave her a pluck and clip, and still, she was acting and looking great. The next morning, I decided to check on everyone before work, and she just seemed off. She was hunched into herself, she felt chilled, and I tried to encourage her to hop, and she just slowly moved away from my touch. She also hadn't touched her food since the night before, which is not like her. I didn't have a lot of time, so I gave her extra hay to sit on and hopefully eat. When I came back around noon to check her, she couldn't stand and had her front legs splayed out. Also keeping her balance to stay upright seemed to be a challenge. Now there's big alarm bells, because she has always been a healthy rabbit, but she was getting up in age (not old, just older). I took to the internet comparing her symptoms with other posts and experiences, it sounded like spinal issue or e. cuniculi with the limb lameness. So I did a deep dive of e. cuniculi finding out how common it is to hide in rabbits, and the fact that most rabbits do have it especially if not treated routinely, and can show various symptoms when the parasite takes hold. That's where I began to wonder if those other rabbits were all connected in it being e. cuniculi. I decided it doesn't hurt to treat everyone for it, just in case. Fortunately, I was heading into town the day Anemone had her sudden symptoms. So I got liquid safeguard and found the right doses. Got back to her at about 5, and she had died while I was gone. It seems to me she had seized when she died, by the way she was stretched out and eyes open, but can't say for sure as I wasn't there. I then worried about rhdv, but I didn't see any discharge that would suggest a hemorrhage. I placed her in the freezer, planning on doing an autopsy when I had the time. I'm still going to treat everyone like it's e. cuniculi, especially since Ace's symptoms are still present. The only thing with Anemone, though, is I thought e. cuniculi wasn't so quick acting, but this was over the course of a day from symptom to death. I'm a couple days into dosing the barn and all is well, Ace is still the same and none of the other rabbits are acting weird. Then this morning I saw a post about someone who described the symptoms of her cats who got bird flu and died. The symptoms sounded very close with Anemone, very sudden and limb lameness... None of the other rabbit incidents seemed that abnormal, but Anemone just seemed so sudden. Has anyone had experience with bird flu and rabbits? Is this just e. cuniculi that acted fast? Random spinal injury? Rhdv?
I'm sure I'll never truly find out, I'm just going to monitor and treat what I can and hope for the best, but maybe someone has a better clue that I may be missing.
e.cunniculi explains the first rabbit. The second rabbit I'd suspect back teeth issues. Rabbits can get spurs on their back teeth like horses can, but unlike horses you can't "float" their teeth without medical intervention. The third sounds like G.I. Stasis more than anything.
I then worried about rhdv, but I didn't see any discharge that would suggest a hemorrhage.
That's actually rarely seen with RHDV, the haemorrhages are usually internal. Early symptoms are very much like GI stasis; in fact, it's not unusual for vets to diagnose stasis when seeing rabbits in the early stages of RHDV.
e.cunniculi explains the first rabbit. The second rabbit I'd suspect back teeth issues. Rabbits can get spurs on their back teeth like horses can, but unlike horses you can't "float" their teeth without medical intervention. The third sounds like G.I. Stasis more than anything.
That sounds logical, I'll keep watch of Ace for him to show signs of pain or unable to eat, then I'll have to make the call. Though the third rabbit I just find really odd on how sudden it happened. I've had gi stasis in rabbits before, generally started by wool block, but usually I have a little more warning, like change in behavior and disinterest in food at least the day before, then generally a couple days fighting them to eat. I also never had lameness accur, except if they became weak from dehydration or malnutrition, this was like sudden splay legs. She was normal the day before, perky running around, eating and healthy weight, then less than 24 hours later she was dead.
That's actually rarely seen with RHDV, the haemorrhages are usually internal. Early symptoms are very much like GI stasis; in fact, it's not unusual for vets to diagnose stasis when seeing rabbits in the early stages of RHDV.

Ah, that's not reassuring... I'll have to do an autopsy sooner then later.... Any tips on what to look for besides hemorrhages?
Ah, that's not reassuring... I'll have to do an autopsy sooner then later.... Any tips on what to look for besides hemorrhages?
Yeah... sorry! It's good to be aware of the signs & symptoms though. I wouldn't worry too much unless you know the virus is in your area, and/or you have more than one sudden death in a very short space of time (same day or a day or so apart). An autopsy now might not reveal much as blood normally pools in various organs after death. There are some images here which may be helpful: https://www.harcourt-brown.co.uk/ar...ease/macroscopic-pm-changes-suggestive-of-rhd
The rest of that site is also a good read - the author is UK-based but the strain of RHD2 you have in the USA is the same one (Spanish serotype).
Yeah... sorry! It's good to be aware of the signs & symptoms though. I wouldn't worry too much unless you know the virus is in your area, and/or you have more than one sudden death in a very short space of time (same day or a day or so apart). An autopsy now might not reveal much as blood normally pools in various organs after death. There are some images here which may be helpful: https://www.harcourt-brown.co.uk/ar...ease/macroscopic-pm-changes-suggestive-of-rhd
The rest of that site is also a good read - the author is UK-based but the strain of RHD2 you have in the USA is the same one (Spanish serotype).
I really do appreciate it! I definitely want to be aware and try and catch things before it gets worse. So far the rest of the rabbits are acting normal, so hopefully whatever is going on it's fairly isolated. I haven't kept up in where the rhdv is currently reported, I know in the past it's been in my area. Plus we are in the path for tons of migratory birds right now. I heard they can possibly bring the virus on their feet as they land in different areas. Fortunately my rabbits are indoors only, but theres mice that come off the fields (I live in a farming community, literally have a field 20 feet from my rabbit barn), it's very hard to prevent them from coming in the room, so I'm always worried about them tracking something in.
Thank you for the link! Thats helpful
So, I had another death... This was another satin angora doe, this was Cinnamon. She had absolutely no symptoms. She was a good weight and body condition. She ate her food regularly and drank her water, her poop was normal. She was active and seemingly healthy. This morning she was dead with no signs on what caused it... I hadn't got around to doing an autopsy on Anemone, because I doubt my skills in being able to identify anything not obvious... but maybe that should be today's task now. Or would it be better to take the bodies to a vet and have them do it and test them?
Update, we did a necropsy on cinnamon. I have pics of it.... it was looking like the images in the link, but I'm not trained... input would be welcomed if anyone is interested.
So, I had another death... This was another satin angora doe, this was Cinnamon. She had absolutely no symptoms. She was a good weight and body condition. She ate her food regularly and drank her water, her poop was normal. She was active and seemingly healthy. This morning she was dead with no signs on what caused it... I hadn't got around to doing an autopsy on Anemone, because I doubt my skills in being able to identify anything not obvious... but maybe that should be today's task now. Or would it be better to take the bodies to a vet and have them do it and test them?
If it's RHDV the liver will be affected (enlarged) and you'll see evidence of hemorrhaging internally, even if there's no blood escaping.

Be aware that if you take them to a vet, and they decide it's something like bird flu, they may want to euthanize your whole herd and keep you under surveillance for some duration. I'm not sure what the rules are in AZ.

I am not a fan of prophylactic euthanization, since you'll be killing individuals that may in fact be resistant to the pathogen; those are what you need if you don't want to be dependent on vaccinations forever. I have a background in PCR, which is frequently used these days to identify viruses, and I can vouch for the fact that it is not really suited for that. And at least some of the other tests are far from reliable, giving lots of false positives and false negatives.

Update, we did a necropsy on cinnamon. I have pics of it.... it was looking like the images in the link, but I'm not trained... input would be welcomed if anyone is interested.
I'd love to see the pics, especially of the liver.
If it's RHDV the liver will be affected (enlarged) and you'll see evidence of hemorrhaging internally, even if there's no blood escaping.

Be aware that if you take them to a vet, and they decide it's something like bird flu, they may want to euthanize your whole herd and keep you under surveillance for some duration. I'm not sure what the rules are in AZ.

I am not a fan of prophylactic euthanization, since you'll be killing individuals that may in fact be resistant to the pathogen; those are what you need if you don't want to be dependent on vaccinations forever. I have a background in PCR, which is frequently used these days to identify viruses, and I can vouch for the fact that it is not really suited for that. And at least some of the other tests are far from reliable, giving lots of false positives and false negatives.

I'd love to see the pics, especially of the liver.
That has been my fear of reporting it, just because I don't want to cull healthy rabbits, I'm willing cull as symptoms happen, but not before.
Life has been busy, so I hadn't had a chance to update. But, I have a brief moment right now, lol.
So as an update, so far no other random deaths (I'm watching a couple rabbits cautiously, because they don't seem as perky, but season is changing, so we will see).
I did finally make time to thaw Anemone and do a necropsy on her. I saw no sign of blood in her cavity and her liver looked completely normal (added pic), unlike Cinnamon with the traces of blood and enlarged/dark liver. I forgot get a pic of her spleen, but it looked identical to Cinnamon's. The only anomaly I noticed in Anemone was her reproductive organs looked enlarged and weird. We felt them up and down and found a lump that almost appeared to be a fetus (she hadn't been bred in many months), so we cut open that part of the ovary and it is a growth (also added pic), we assume cancerous. So, as of right now, we are guessing that played a big factor in her death.


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