Help with color

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2024
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So I have 2 New Zealand buns I'm confused on with their colors. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
These were produced from a fawn buck and black doe.

Doe 1

Picture from today, 9 weeks


Pics from 2 weeks ago

Pic of same bun a few days after birthed

Doe 2

from today

from a couple weeks ago





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Do you know what your buns are mixed with? I ask only in that the first one looks to have silvering coming up and the second one could have harlequin type markings, but would be leaning more to a Tort with clear Vienna Markings. I know others with more knowledge will jump in and make it make more sense then what I can.
Supposedly for the last 6+ generations they've only been bred nz x nz. But I am aware they have vienna markings. I'm still not great with genetics so I'm unsure how that happened. I have had others tell me about the possible harl, so if youre seeing that too, probably likely then.
I agree with @Sagebrush - the first looks like a fawn or light orange with silvering coming in. The age would be about right for a rabbit with one copy of the silvering allele, though it is interesting that it would have hidden in the fawn and black parents, as silver <si> is usually partially dominant. Did you see the fawn sire, and was he a clean fawn?

The second one looks like a VM but there's something else going on. In the younger photo, the distinct patchwork of color on the face, leg and tail, and the abrupt break in the dark ear lacing, suggests harlequinized agouti (chestnut with a recessive harlequin). However, the more recent shots of the fur look a lot like steel, with the agouti bands all pushed up toward the tips of the hair. Either or both harlequin and steel could hide in the black doe; her self alleles would prevent expression of either steel <E(S)> or recessive harlequin <e(j)>. In the fawn buck, the non-extension <ee> means he cannot carry harlequin, however he may carry steel since with his <ee> the dark bands of a steeled agouti would not be expressed. I'm not sure exactly what the combination of steel + harlequin would look like...? :unsure:
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Yes, I own sire and mom. Sire fawn has black ear lacing.


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Yes, I own sire and mom. Sire fawn has black ear lacing.
If that's the sire, I'd call the color red, which is what he'd be called as a New Zealand. Red is a wide-band non-extension chestnut with extra rufus factors, typically written <A_B_C_D_ee ww +++>. Fawn means slightly different colors in different breeds, but it often refers to either a low-rufus orange <A_B_C_D_ee ww+>, or a dilute orange <A_B_C_dd ee ww+>, depending on the breed.

He does not appear to have any silvering, though, so I'm thinking that maybe the steel allele is at play here after all. The bunny seems to have reduced agouti markings, which is often an effect of steel <E(S)>. Also, steel covers up most of the black on a chestnut, leaving only a small black tip on the hair, but of course reds don't have any black other than leftover "smut," so maybe that in combination with the wideband alleles and extra rufus modifiers makes the steel effect negligible on the sire...? Although he does have nice agouti "trim," that can vary pretty widely in steels. But since the bunny obviously has far fewer rufus modifiers than the sire, maybe the steel was allowed to show... Just kind of spitballing here. :LOL:

Can you post of photo of the bunny's belly, and also one of its fur being blown into, like the one you posted of the broken VM? And are they siblings?
I agree with the silvering. The first rabbit appears to be an orange agouti, as it has the agouti white eyerings and inner ears and light belly recessive. Typically, agouti rabbits have multiple colors on the hairshaft, typically dark (black, blue, chocolate or lilac) on the tips, then a yellowish band, then the undercolor. This appears to be an orange agouti, with the non-extension 'ee' gene that only has the yellowish tones, the dark colors do not extend out the hairshaft, which is why it is called the 'non-extension' gene.

However, I have some confusion about the color. The latest photo looks silvered. The previous photo looks like an orange agouti, but the baby photo stumps me.
This color does not look yellow or orange or red to me, it seems more chocolate. These kits below are chestnut/castor agouti (on the left) and chocolate agouti on the right. They were born black and chocolate brown, both with the white agouti markings. As the fur grows in, the chocolate hair begins to look more fawn/orange.
The following photos are both of chocolate agouti Angora rabbits (English and Satin Angora), the first buck has little rufus, the Satin doe a lot of rufus (reddish) modifiers. Notice how the yellow/orange tones are much more pronounced as they grew older. They were both chocolate with white agouti markings at birth.
You can tell they are not fawn/red agouti when you blow into the wool. Fawn/orange/red usually has a creamy base color, while the chocolate agouti has chocolate tips to the hair, then the yellowish tones and a light chocolate base.
Your rabbit also appears to have silvering. Can you remove one of the silvered hairs, and see if it is all white, or just has white at the tip of an otherwise colored hairshaft? Silvering has all-white hairs, but steel has gold (for full-colored C_ rabbits), or white (for chinchilla/sable rabbits) near the tip of the agouti bands.
If that's the sire, I'd call the color red, which is what he'd be called as a New Zealand. Red is a wide-band non-extension chestnut with extra rufus factors, typically written <A_B_C_D_ee ww +++>. Fawn means slightly different colors in different breeds, but it often refers to either a low-rufus orange <A_B_C_D_ee ww+>, or a dilute orange <A_B_C_dd ee ww+>, depending on the breed.

He does not appear to have any silvering, though, so I'm thinking that maybe the steel allele is at play here after all. The bunny seems to have reduced agouti markings, which is often an effect of steel <E(S)>. Also, steel covers up most of the black on a chestnut, leaving only a small black tip on the hair, but of course reds don't have any black other than leftover "smut," so maybe that in combination with the wideband alleles and extra rufus modifiers makes the steel effect negligible on the sire...? Although he does have nice agouti "trim," that can vary pretty widely in steels. But since the bunny obviously has far fewer rufus modifiers than the sire, maybe the steel was allowed to show... Just kind of spitballing here. :LOL:

Can you post of photo of the bunny's belly, and also one of its fur being blown into, like the one you posted of the broken VM? And are they siblings?

Yes they are siblings.


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this was around 2 weeks ago when she looked more orange. I will get an updated one tonight.


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this was around 2 weeks ago when she looked more orange. I will get an updated one tonight.
I got some more, hopefully better? pictures. If this helps to figure it out.


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The chestnut/vm marked one I got pictures of too. As well as her twin (kinda but darker) If these are helpful to any imput on educated guesses?

and the black buns I'm attaching are from the same red buck, but different mom. Mom of the blacks was REW. since we're wondering if its silvering or steele, I was wondering if these what I thought were black actually have the silvering or steele as well? I had 4 blacks, out of the remaining I chose to show the black with the most white or silver hairs, and one with the least.

*Rabbit B is the one listed above in the origional post. A is the "twin"


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The chestnut/vm marked one I got pictures of too. As well as her twin (kinda but darker) If these are helpful to any imput on educated guesses?

and the black buns I'm attaching are from the same red buck, but different mom. Mom of the blacks was REW. since we're wondering if its silvering or steele, I was wondering if these what I thought were black actually have the silvering or steele as well? I had 4 blacks, out of the remaining I chose to show the black with the most white or silver hairs, and one with the least.

*Rabbit B is the one listed above in the origional post. A is the "twin"
Well, that's quite interesting. The bunny on the right is harder to judge, but it may have "stray white hairs," which are not always associated with steeling or silvering. However, the first black bunny, the one on the left in the photo of two, surely looks like a steel to me. You can pretty clearly see the light bands smooshed up toward the tips of the hairs:
black steel.jpg
If you pull out a "white" hair, it will probably look like this:
Black Gold Tipped Steel Single Guard Hair crop.jpg

Silvering, on the other hand, produces entirely white hairs, and tends to turn the undercolor a bit paler/more silvery as well. Here are two photos of fur from a Champagne D'Argent (which is a self black rabbit with silvering), which by the way are full-color photos, not black and white images. These show the paler undercolor compared to a dark slate like a regular self black would be, while the apparently "white-tipped" hairs, when pulled out, are entirely white:
Champagne D'Argent tanned pelt KRI2 section.jpgChampagne D'Argent tanned pelt KRI2 single guard hairs.jpg

Okay, back to the original VM bunny, Rabbit B. It still looks like there might be harlequin at play, which has often confused me due to its unpredictable (to me) interaction with other genetic components. But it has a tendency to break up color patterns into groupings, and I see sharp delineations between colors on her, with clear areas of clean orange on her ears, vs patches of chestnut on her face, when none of these show up on her sister, which looks like a fairly typical chestnut.
possible harlequin.jpg

Finally, the silvery orange bunny... The fact that it took so long for the white or white-tipped hairs to show up is surprising if she's a steel; usually you can tell within a few weeks of birth you've got a steel. Yet silvered rabbits usually don't silver all at once, the white tending to come in gradually in very interesting patterns like this:
Realta's bunnies 2023crop.JPG

The very restricted agouti markings on her head, her belly being generally dark when it would normally be creamy white all the way up the chest, the lack of creamy white footpads or creamy agouti markings on the inside of her hind feet, in both younger and older photos, all suggest steel to me. On the other hand, if she happened to get two copies of the wideband allele <w> - and she certainly got at least one, from her red sire - that could produce similar effects. :unsure:

But the real issue is that I don't think you could even get an orange steel. Both alleles - the steel <E(S)> and the non-extension <e> which makes a chestnut into an orange - are on the same E locus. If you had a rabbit with <E(S)e> it would be a steel, but to make orange you need two copies of the completely recessive non-extension <ee>. There's not enough room in the locus for both!

Any time I've ever thought there was "no way" something could happen genetically, often I'll find it happening fairly promptly afterward. :ROFLMAO: So the thing to do, as @judymac mentioned, is to pull out some of the white/white-tipped hairs and look at them each singly. Be careful when pulling them as guard hairs tend to be extremely thin till about 2/3 the way up the hair, and they'll snap off pretty easily. If they have any banding at all, you've got a steel; if they are entirely white, it's silvering.

And eliminating the possibility of steel begs the question: how did silvering <si>, which from what I've seen is partially dominant, hide in a red buck or a self black doe?
Here are better pictures of the dad color in question. Is this considered red as he’s NZ, or fawn etc?


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Here are better pictures of the dad color in question. Is this considered red as he’s NZ, or fawn etc?
Hmm. That looks a bit different from the first photo. Just checking - both of these are the same rabbit, yes?
sire.jpg 40355-b5f67c432ab084d7857cc59e44a40de6.jpg

In the first photo he looks like a smutty red, in the second he looks almost chestnut, though he would be very lightly ticked if so. The thing to do would be to blow into his coat and look for rings. A chestnut will have rings of color, starting with a slate undercolor, a middle band of tan or orange, and a darker tip. A red will have creamy undercolor and no obvious rings.

The first image below is a chestnut; the second is a red Satin. The Satin's color is extremely clear with no smut, and your New Zealand will not look quite this vibrant with his coat being a commercial fur type rather than a satin coat. But you can see the difference in the varied layers of color with a slate gray base on the chestnut, while the red has a creamy base and single color on the hair (smutty reds can look like they have dark tips, but the effect is not one of bands of color like a chestnut has). The third photo is of course your doe #2, who has the dark undercolor and bands of color of a chestnut agouti or possibly chocolate agouti.
agouti rings closeup.jpg Millie fur crop.jpg
I do think @judymac may be onto something with her comment about the possibility of chocolate. A chocolate agouti has lower-contrast chocolate ticking instead of black ticking, which can make the rabbit look like a chestnut with only slight ticking. Doe #2 could have the gray undercolor of a chocolate agouti rather than the slate of a chestnut; it's hard for me to make up my mid looking at my screen. And compared to the chestnut in the first fur picture, I think you could make a good case for her being chocolate agouti, as she does not appear to have any black ticking at all.

The smut/lacing on the sire's ears looks reasonably black to me, but again I don't feel confident interpreting what's on my computer screen. And even if he's not chocolate, he could easily carry it.

Which brings me back to your original post about the bunny that looks like it might be silvered. Now I'm wondering about lilac (dilute chocolate) agouti, aka lynx. The baby picture doesn't look lilac, and it seems strange that its coat would suddenly change like that, though agouti fur does go through some developmental stages. But now that I'm looking at the ear lacing on that bunny, I wonder if both the lacing and the "silvering" is actually lilac ticking?
Lilac ear lacing.jpg
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Yes, there are spots with lots of black in it, ticked or tipped I'm not sure which. Yes, it is the same sire in both pics, he looked like a smutty fawn but now hes quite a bit darker, that is a more recent picture. I wondered about lilac but I'm learning genetics so I wasn't sure if it was possible.
Yes, there are spots with lots of black in it, ticked or tipped I'm not sure which. Yes, it is the same sire in both pics, he looked like a smutty fawn but now hes quite a bit darker, that is a more recent picture. I wondered about lilac but I'm learning genetics so I wasn't sure if it was possible.
It looks like there was a blue (dilute black) in the litter with the mystery bunny, which would mean there is dilute <d> in the mix. If there is also chocolate <b>, getting those two alleles together makes lilac, so if you do have both, lilac is definitely a possibility.

Regarding the buck, smut (called either ticking or tipping) often increases as the rabbit ages, so he could still be a smutty orange/red. Let us know what you find when you blow into his coat... :)
Ok, I gave it a shot. Mind you I am inexperienced and attempted this alone. This is what I got 😅


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The possibly silvered Creamish colored one was from the buck above and a black doe. I can attach pics of her as well. Being as she was also the mom of the Vienna marked looking kits, this may be worth mentioning? She does have a white spot, though very small, under her nose on her mouth sort of.


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Ok, I gave it a shot. Mind you I am inexperienced and attempted this alone. This is what I got 😅
Those are actually great photos! They show all the important parts in good lighting.

That undercolor says orange/red with a fair bit of smut. At that point the question becomes: is he black-based or chocolate based?

I'm going with chocolate after looking at these new pictures. Even though the ear lacing on the left ear is pretty dark in one of the pictures, it's not the crisp black you'd expect on a chestnut, and the right ear actually looks chocolate-laced on my monitor. The darker smut on his flank is not black, either.
ear lacing.jpgear lacing and smut.jpg
If these observations are correct and he produced a blue bunny, he's likely a chocolate-based orange/red carrying dilute <A_ bb C_ Dd ee>. (The other possibility is that he is blue-based, but it's looking more like chocolate than blue on my screen. Scratch that - if he was blue, his orange would most likely be paler than it is.)
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Those are actually great photos! They show all the important parts in good lighting.

That undercolor says orange/red with a fair bit of smut. At that point the question becomes: is he black-based or chocolate based?

I'm going with chocolate after looking at these new pictures. Even though the ear lacing on the left ear is pretty dark in one of the pictures, it's not the crisp black you'd expect on a chestnut, and the right ear actually looks chocolate-laced on my monitor. The darker smut on his flank is not black, either.
View attachment 42864View attachment 42866
If these observations are correct and he produced a blue bunny, he's likely a chocolate-based orange/red carrying dilute <A_ bb C_ Dd ee>. (The other possibility is that he is blue-based, but it's looking more like chocolate than blue on my screen.)

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