Kits getting out of nest box

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Oct 31, 2022
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Well this sucks to say, but I have had 4 of my kits die, all by climbing out of the nest box and freezing to death. At this point I hate nest boxes and I'm looking to find another solution. I'm looking at drop nest boxes or just giving the doe a platform in the corner. Does anyone have any input or advice on keeping kits in a nestbox/ a nest?

To be fair, this is the momma's first litter and I think they are getting dragged out when she hops out after feeding. I'm just not happy with how many have died.
I picked one out of the nest and put it on the wire just to watch. It chased mama's nips until she hopped up on a platform. They really have a "hands off" approach to parenting it seems. They are 2 weeks as of today. I will be turning the nest box sideways for now. Someone on another forum mentioned doing this allowed them to climb back in if they wandered out.
I picked one out of the nest and put it on the wire just to watch. It chased mama's nips until she hopped up on a platform. They really have a "hands off" approach to parenting it seems. They are 2 weeks as of today. I will be turning the nest box sideways for now. Someone on another forum mentioned doing this allowed them to climb back in if they wandered out.
that's good detective work. i've often wondered if mother rabbits are like ahhhhh one less to feed ha and i guess it's true. those rabbits are so smart. i guess the babies are smart enough to go back in where it's warm. let us know if it works. take care.
Nest boxes are a catch 22. You want the lip to keep them in the box but it can also keep them from getting back in. The does do not put them back in. They are more concerned about hopping away from the runaway to avoid it nursing. The kit will wonder all around the cage sniffing, trying to find it littermates.
If you have a step up, most will find their way back in. (unless really young)
Place a small pile of hay in front of the box. It will make it much easier for the kit to hop back in.

I had a doe that built a beautiful nest and would also pile hay and fur in front of her nest box. Such a smart mama. She never lost a kit.
I didn't have any losses until about day 7, they were just too weak & small to hold onto her until then. I tried the platform for 2 days. They all survived, but they looked uncomfortable. Mama kept wrecking the fur insulation I set up & stomping it down & peeing on it?

Definitely wouldn't work for newborns. I'm gonna try a long wood box with 1 open end for the momma to go in. Figure I can try to mimick a burrow. They can wander in and out as they please. I actually watched one do that from my window. Had to brush the dog to get some fur insulation. Thanks for the donation Vito.16797926085372797862460807494641.jpg