WTH is wrong with this poor rabbit!?

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Yes the article mentioned papilloma. I had just never seen or heard anything about this before. I went to read an article about Napolitano leaving DHS and next to it was that awful picture. Even more awful than the picture of Napolitano - really creepy. (wait, did I type that out loud?). Poor rabbit.
Very sad for the rabbit, I'm sure it can't feel good and it will surely die soon. But shame on the AR people who are blasting the guy who photographed it, claiming he should have taken it to the vet for treatment!!! Uhm...it's a WILD rabbit, why should he be responsible for a wild animal's medical problems??? And who do they think will foot the bill?! My veterinarian runs a BUISNESS, not a charity, and while they do donate time and services when they can, they have families to feed and bills to pay and student loans to pay off too.
I was reading this argument with the Petco fiasco and people were so proud to be spending $3,000 on fluffy so he could live a few more years. It's great if you have the $$$$ but sometimes that just isn't feasible if you have.... I don't know.....Bills to pay, mouths to feed,school to pay......just some things those AR with endless pockets seem to forget or just love building up the debt...taking loans....

Natural selection will solve the issue in no time.
Peach":1l24rj6j said:
I was reading this argument with the Petco fiasco and people were so proud to be spending $3,000 on fluffy so he could live a few more years. It's great if you have the $$$$ but sometimes that just isn't feasible if you have.... I don't know.....Bills to pay, mouths to feed,school to pay......just some things those AR with endless pockets seem to forget or just love building up the debt...taking loans....

Natural selection will solve the issue in no time.

I know, right??? I'm back in college, with no real income (making less than $75 a month doing a few grooms on the side), student loans piling up, and spending every last dollar prettymuch on my pets and gas money for driving to and from school...and being eternally grateful for my dad's help at this time in my life...even if I WANTED to spend thousands on a bunny, I COULD NOT. It simply cannot happen. Heck I don't have the $$$$ for the medical treatment I MYSELF need! :lol:

Though yeah, I do feel badly for that wild bunny. I mean...really, if I saw a cottontail in my yard looking like that, I'd be inclined to shoot it to put it out of it's misery before it's life becomes a nightmare. BUT, I won't judge those who opt for nature to take it's course, because in all honesty wild animals are WILD, and it is not my place to impose my ways of thinking on a wild animal.
Some think you are cruel if you don't take your rabbits to the vet! Why yes you can become educated and self medicate. Places like Tractor Supply sells a lot of vaccines,medications,ect with instructions so people can do it themselves. Half the time, vets don't know what to do with rabbits!<br /><br />__________ Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:46 pm __________<br /><br />I would do it a favor and shoot it too Kyle. I couldn't imagine those things all over me. I've seen articles where it effects deer too
I'm lucky in that my vet does deal with rabbits...but they'll probably never see any of mine because for the huge great bill I'd be charged...let's be honest here, rabbits are designed by nature to die easily. :( I was just reading (and being horrified by) some AR person's FB the other day...her doe was so panicked as it came out of anaesthesia for a "routine spay" that she started thrashing and broke her back. She's now paralyzed and incontinent. They had pictures of this poor, broken, sad looking bunny in a pet cart that looked like a mutant roller-skate...she's incontinent so she's always pee-soaked, her whole hind end is stained and dessicated, and the gal was BRAGGING about keeping her alive. Poor thing can't eat without assistance, and while it can't feel the urine-scald, it isn't GOOD FOR IT, either. And then I saw where she was detailing all the thousands she's poured into this poor broken bunny...

...and that bunny just looked sad. I saw no pictures where it's ears were up or it looked interested in anything. No pictures of it grooming or anything. Just pictures of it half-laying on the ground, strapped to the wheels, looking pained and miserable. :cry:

I'd dispatch long before a rabbit got to that state. I hope to never have a broken spine in my rabbitry but I know it can and DOES happen, rabbits are so ridiculously fragile. If it did happen, I'd dispatch IMMEDIATELY. Why pay so much money to just prolong suffering?!

AHEM, whoooo that got long. :p

Anyways!!! So I was looking at that rabbit, saw that they attribute the growths to the papilloma virus...googled "Rabbit Papillomavirus" and got plenty of equally-horrifying images of rabbits with growths on their heads and faces. :x You don't think our domestic rabbits are susceptible, do you???

Interesting article about it...

http://io9.com/5795996/rabbits-with-hor ... llomavirus
It's illegal for many vets to see wild animals. They require special training. The only thing they are allowed to do is pts.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":mzps7tlm said:
(making less than $75 a month doing a few grooms on the side).
Are we talking about Bunny Brazilians again!!! LOL!!! :p :p :p :p :p
:pinkbunny: :clap: :pinkbunny: :clap: :pinkbunny: :clap: :pinkbunny: :clap: :pinkbunny: :clap: :pinkbunny:
LOL no...dog trims and cat shavedowns. ;) Kitty Brazilians as well...hey, some longhairs have issues keeping their nethers clean! :p The salon I worked at used to secretly call it baboon-butting a cat, since they're all cute and fluffy except their hind parts. :lol:

Alas, most people won't pay much for grooming around here, and I only have a few clients who tip. :p I about died of glee a couple weeks ago, someone tipped enough for half a tank of gas!!! That like...NEVER happens, LOL.

akane":1upic1cv said:
It's illegal for many vets to see wild animals. They require special training. The only thing they are allowed to do is pts.

Plus...with a crazy infectious virus like this...I don't know that I'd want to go to a vet where they were bringing rabbits in with this. :x
It's illegal for many vets to see wild animals. They require special training. The only thing they are allowed to do is pts.
I once took an abandoned baby squirrel to a vet to get it checked out and ask how to care for it. They sent me packing - "we don't touch wild animals". But I raised the squirrel and she did fine. Couple years later a lady who had found 4 baby squirrles (dead momma) walks into the place I worked asking of "the lady who knows how to raise squirrels still works here." LOL. All the vet remembered was where I worked and sent her looking for me.

Kyle - we used to have a pair of Japanese Chins who always seemed to have dingleberries. We did lots of "baboon butting" :)
LOL!!! :lol: Chins and Cavaliers do tend to have clingy stuff but it's NOTHING compared to some of the horrors of a super-dense coated Pomeranian. The amount of poop those fluffy things can have stuck to their rears is SHOCKING.

Don't get me started on Labradoodles. :p :eek: Those coats...stuff of nightmares...matting + poop + tree sap or whatever grossness they like to roll in = groomers whimpering in fear. :p
That poor thing! OMG! It looks like it's on the back leg and foot too, like it's not able to put weight on the left hind. That's just sad!!!

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