Winter Woes

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2012
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virginia, usa
So, I've got a doe that has done great in the past that has had her second litter that she barely pulled fur for that was cold and dead in the box. Another doe that weaned a litter about the first of November that refuses to lift. Another doe is doing marginally well but she lost a few in her last litter.

My question is, is it normal to not have good luck in the winter? Should I wait until the days start getting longer to breed? I've got them in an open enclosure in hanging cages under roof, no wind but plenty of air. Temperature fluctuating from the teens to the fifties. Is this just part of it, or do the rest of you have problems in the winter? I've been told by some local breeders that they have the same experience and some don't breed at all in the winter, but on here it seems like summer is the problem for most people.
They're probably not getting enough light. My rabbits are all on artificial light - 12hrs on 12hrs off, and I don't have too much of an issue getting them to breed!

Mine get 12 hours of light and just above freezing temps (to minimize the bucks sterility and keep water from freezing) and I have 6 litters in the box with two more on the way.

Although I did have a dry spell in Oct - Nov
I didn't realize that bucks would get cold sterile as well as heat sterile. I hope that poor Finn's bits still work after his near death experience!
I was wondering about the light. I'm picking up a timer this week, should be easy to remedy, but if they are like chickens it will take a while for it to have much effect. You would think that nocturnal burrow dwellers wouldn't be affected as much by light, but I guess they are. The one doe usually does an exceptional job and kind of takes charge with the buck, pulls enough hair for two litters, so I knew something was up when she would barely breed, and she had and lost two litters without pulling enough hair.

__________ Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:03 pm __________
My outdoor does would quit the beginning of September and wouldn't start again til about the end of February. This fall Whipple and I managed to get three litters kindled mid September, out of 30 kits I had 10 survivors. It was enough to make me decide to go with the does cycle.