Wichita, KS Rabbit Show 6-8-13

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Barton's Big Bunnies

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2012
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Just wondering who was planning on going to the Wichita, KS show Saturday June 8th :?:

My husband & I are planning on going with 3-5 of our English Lops.... :D
oh man! Wichita is a GREAT show. I wish I was going this year, but I will be in Ann Arbor that week. Have fun. :)
I was just coming to this section to update the post I started several weeks ago!

I will be going. Planning on taking quite a few, include a batch of new up-and-comers who will be attending their first show.

Will you be arriving early enough to attend the specialty show on Friday night?<br /><br />__________ Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:45 pm __________<br /><br />Also, sister is getting out of Silver Fox and cutting down on Satins. I could deliver to show, or between OKC and Wichita.
I will be there ... building travel cages this week for the EAs I am showing. I have a senior REW buck, and will be making the final cut on the junior bucks this week. Sadly, my 3/4 chocolate tort angora that I wanted to show as EA type will not make the cut ... he is a bit too bare in the bangs :( Otherwise, he is a great EA type :D

Thinking about springing for Silver Fox sanction next year :D
Justin":3m4dtioo said:
oh man! Wichita is a GREAT show. I wish I was going this year, but I will be in Ann Arbor that week. Have fun. :)
Thanx. Sorry you can't go. What kind of bunnies do you have?<br /><br />__________ Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:17 pm __________<br /><br />
luvabunny said:
Bartons Big Bunnies - I have sent you an email.

I sent you an e-mail back :)
Well, I'm off to Wichita! The room is reserved, got maps and directions, taking 12 to show - 7 will be first time juniors. The other 5 are right at the jr/intermediate age and while half of them could still legally be shown as juniors, they have all been entered as intermediates.

Planning on attending the specialty show tonight, and both shows on Saturday. Took off work today and Monday and making a long weekend out of it. Hoping for some GC legs. Wish me well. See you fellow RT'ers there! I'll be the blonde with the English Lops!<br /><br />__________ Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:05 pm __________<br /><br />Well, we're back! All in one piece, and 1 bunny more than we left with.

I was disappointed in the motel, and the show itself, but we won't go into that.

Fri night was the specialty show. Won BOV, BOSV and BOSB.

Sat was spent with Barton's Big Bunnies most of the day. Good company and enjoyed it a lot. First show, the judge and I obviously had a difference of opinion on type. Won BOV but went no further.
Second show was much the same as the specialty show. Won BOV, BOSV and BOSB, but with different rabbits.

The same REW Sr Buck won both the specialty and last show. I had never met the breeder, but putting hands on the bunny was a joy. I was able to trade him a nice young broken doe and some cash for a son of the BOB buck and a solid REW doe. I am really short on solids and was very pleased to get them.

Ate a great steak at a nice family restaurant, then drove around and enjoyed the architecture in downtown.
All in all it was a nice time. AnnClaire, I didn't see you there, but maybe I missed you...? There were lots of fuzzy rabbits there.

Pretty sure I won legs for the BOSV, but not positive. Completely unsure about the BOV's. I really need to get more up-to-date on what will get me those. There were plenty of breeders and rabbits, but maybe not for varieties.

Last show until fall. Just gotta keep those bunnies cool this summer now.
Wichita, KS rabbit show yesterday was so much FUN! We met so many nice people! We hung out mostly with luvabunny & Josh Campbell. There were 32 english lops (16 solid & 16 brokens). Our rabbits did well: Mist got BOS & BOSV out of 5 solid juniors. Ivy was 1st out of 6 broken juniors. Clover was 1st out of 3 solid 6-8s. Springs had good remarks but is still waiting for that last leg to Grand Champion. Like luvabunny said the REW Sr. buck won BOB on both shows. He was a very nice looking bunny & had great depth! We came home with 2 more bunnies than we went with. Both are breeding age does & we were able to breed 1 of them with the REW buck that won BOB in both shows, thank you Josh Campbell. So we have our fingers crossed that we will have babies in a month. We bred the other doe today with our Springs. This was his 1st time breeding & we are hopeful she will have babies in a month too. Both of the does are 2yrs old & have had litters before but it has been about 6mos since the last litters for both of them. So please cross your fingers with us that both does breedings will take & we will have healthy babies & mommas soon.
luvabunny from what I understand (& I checked a certificate of Springs last BOB leg) there has to be 5 rabbits & 3 exhibitors to get the leg.
:congratulations: on the legs!!!!!

Wish I was there!!! I checked the EA buck I was going for and he still had a bit of sore hock ... just couldn't get it healed up in time :( I so wanted to go and it was friday morning when I checked the buck for the last time before loading ... seperated the fur and there it was ... a small pink spot with a bit of scab still. So, per grumpy's suggestion, I am hitting it with camphophenique instead of the Banixx the feed store recommended.

I so wanted to be there, but getting legs for the EA buck was the reason to go. He is still in his show coat ... just waiting for the 100+ temps this week to throw him into molt so I can at least get something out of all the effort of growing it out this late in the year.
Welcome to RabbitTalk slo18. There will be more shows :)Seems to be less shows in the summer (just too hot), so now is the time to save up for the shows that are coming up in the cooler months. at least that is what we do :) What kind of rabbits do you have?
i only have one, and defiantly do not show her, but shows are great places to meet breeders and start thinking about your next bunny. i know there is a bunny tnt group here in town. but anyway she is a minni lop.