why is she nesting there?

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
York, PA
So I have my first show quality doe and buck so I'm freaking out more than usual. She made a nest today, day 30, but not in the box. It is in the wooden back part of the hutch, but its a huge drafty hutch. Should I leave it be, move to the box now, move to the box after they are born, or move the box to where she made the nest and move the nest now or later? I just really want this litter to go well. So nervous, its like my first litter all over again.
Just because we think a nest box is good doesn't mean the rabbit like it. Often I had does that nested between the nestbox and cage.
Give her lots of straw so she can make a nice warm nest.
I would put the next in the box, and move the box to where she had the nest. If you happen to be asleep or away when she has them, and they're in a nest on the floor, they could crawl away and chill before you discover them.

I had this not work for one doe's first litter. She was determined not to use the box, no matter how many times I put her nest in it and moved the box. Thankfully, we caught her kindling, and were able to move everything into the box as soon as she was finished.
Well, she had five, one doa but the other four looked great and very big. She had them out of the nest and they were a little chilled but still active, so i warmed them up and popped them in the nest box. I hope she starts to feed them soon, doesnt look like she did this morning but they were only born last night. When should i worry about them not being fed? She doesnt seem to understand how to get in the box.
I'm sure she'll find a way to nurse them when milk builds up pressure in her. There is no reason for her to get into the nestbox till nursing time.
It can be a day or even two before they get fed... but I probably couldn't keep from worrying after a day. It should work out okay, though. Parsley is supposed to help.
Looks like she found a way because they arent getting super skinny. They arent super plump either, but I checked mid day.