Who here has aquariums? =D

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Mar 5, 2011
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I do!
Anyone else?

This is my 110 gallon extra tall, extra pain in the butt, too. Lol. Took forever for the plants to fill in!
BGK, 7 Skirt tetra, 3 Angels & 2 male BN plecos.

I also have a 20g long and a 40b. I'm redoing the 20 and the 40. 20 because I sold a carp load of plants and the 40 because I need to put it onto a stand again so it can be seen, lol.
20g has no fish, put them all out into my pond. 40g has a pair of Betta, pair of BN plecos, Clown pleco, Oto cats, Green Cory cats & RCS.

Those are nice CnB! I used to but don't anymore. Used to have a 55 gal set up with plants and the works in it. All 3 tanks look awesome! The plants are beautiful! :)
we just got a 10 gal aquarium from the neighbors, they moved and didn't want it. So far all we have in it is a betta
When I lived at home I had 17 tanks of fresh water fish.
Everything from Sailfin Mollies to Lye-tail Guppies to Discus, Angels and
Oscars. Also had a few Red-belly Piranha.
The Rabbits replaced the fish.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Oh boy Ottersatin another Oscar fan! If I ever did another tank I'd have an Oscar. :)
You should of sent me your Discus! I can never find them when I'm ready to buy! >.<
I had three in Delaware, and four in Florida! :p

I could never get plants to grow, though. :( I tried, too.

I don't have any right now.
I have a 100g tall, but it is empty. I need to buy a new filter or try to fix the one I have again- I tried once, but couldn't get it to work. :(

I would like to set it up for cichlids again.

But! We do have one of those itty-bitty plastic ones from Petco. It houses 4 long-finned Zebra Danios and a little spotted catfish- a Cory, I believe.
Neither of mine are set up at the moment, but when they are, they're saltwater.

My plan for now is to set it back up as a mini reef. One day...
my tanks are not NEARLY as planted as your, but I have a 'snail' problem, and short of buying a pea puffer (and I don't have a set up for one of them)
or loaches, which don't really mix (all 'peaceful community' tetra's

Yeah... it gets so hard, however, plants do wonderful things, like the month I did't get around to changing water, that and I'm heavy into bio filter
I bought stuff to MAKE the filter, it's SO much cheaper to just fold quilt batting than buy premade filter.

I also found open cell foam at the local grocery store, so I have nice (if very ugly) prefilters.

I have a bare bottom tank (with some bamboo and java fern) for guppies
it took 2 days to clarify, but considering the tank, it was pretty impressive, it's SO overloaded (yeah I need to sex and separate) by babies.
Livebearer females can hold sperm and use at will, so even if you get rid of males, more may show. =O
Too many snails is a sign of over feeding the tank. I love Dojo loaches, they always got along great with any of my tetra. But I will never get Serpae or barred tetra again, those things are down right nasty!

Need some more plants? I'm shipping a grouping for $7, Vals, Hygro, Rotala and mystery plant. I'm on the most common planted tank forum, always RAOKing them.
Serpea and red minor are VERY confused, so one is ok and one isn't but it's pretty much impossible to tell unless you are a scientist which is which...
BTW, I have 8 of them and they do fine, got skunk loaches, cause they are so small, they'll be perfect... NOPE, one of the most aggressive loaches
Well, 18 neon tetras and 3 days later I finally got the last one out (had to suction my stand pipe for the under gravel...)
Think I'll get a clown or Dojo, just don't feel like kicking out 12 bucks already
Clown loach needs to be in groups until adults. Adult clowns need huge tanks.
Don't do it unless you've got massive tanks. Dojos are fun, funny and friendly fish. Mine of 3yrs would eat and rest in my hand!<br /><br />__________ Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:21 am __________<br /><br />Oh, Petsmart is having a sale now, Dojos included.
I use to keep saltwater reef tanks. Had a 40, 46 and 20 gal. I had to sell them when we moved to NC. It was sad getting rid of all the coral. Of course we had to have a Nemo and Dorrie. Your tank looks great.
One of my Docs (a doc to a doc (medic, what I was) is the MD)
was a major fish freak (and a Major too, rank)
He was a flight doc, used to go places like the Bahama's and the US VI just to pick up fish, he got one off of the Florida Keys (where ever the military field is down there)
he said was over 500 local to NC if it could be found.

And yeah, he had a 60-70ga bow front salt water reef tank, with some really nice fish... if we were in the office on the weekend and drinking, we'd take chairs over and just watch the fish once the buzz got good (and usually it was packing out, which means 2 people counting stuff into chests, and 1 supervising (ever thing is tripled checked) and usually heavy as hell
OOhh pretty tanks :) I really love fish tanks that are so alive.

Right now I have a pond will a rainbow of Oscars in different sizes and colors. Since my BF works at a pet store, he can get just about any fish and a lot of the time people bring in fish they don't want anymore! So We have a HUGE albino Pleco in the pond now. We also have a regular black... one Orange Parrot Cichlid..... and an Albino Asian Catfish. I also bought a bunch of 13cent feeder goldfish and put them in there. They add life and color to the backyard and have survived longer than the Coy we used to put in there ever did.

We will be bringing the Cichlids in for the winter, but for now they are doing awesome out in the pond.

We also made a second pond that feeds to the one on bottom and put plants where the water flows.....it rooted and works as an awesome filtration system since we used to have a filter and it SUCKED to clean
I have a 65 gallon tank thickly planted with name unknown plants. One of them the shop called a lace plant that died back all the way but, fortunately, came back to fill a quarter of the tank with beauty. The angles and platties look very nice swimming through it.

It drives me a bit crazy seeing all the "water" plants sold that are just land plants that take a while to drown, making the poor people who bought them think they cant grow water plants :evil:

Your tanks are very nice, very nice indeed!
I have 2 55's with cichlids. My tank is the Africans(a bunch of different ones, I got a lot for free have to weed it out soon it's getting full!) and the kids the South americans (Oscar, jack Dempsey and jewel)<br /><br />__________ Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:39 pm __________<br /><br />

My tank :)

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