What types of hay are the best?

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
I am doing my research for my rabbit feeding and am starting to look for hay suppliers. I can get all sorts of hay - I'm just not sure which is best! I plan to raise meat rabbits, if that makes a difference. I'm not worried about fast grow out - prefer them to be raised natural.

I can get the following:

Horse hay
Marsh Hay
Grass/Hay with Finished Oats
Mixed Grass Hay
Alfalfa/Timothy Hay
Dairy Quality Alfalfa

Just not sure which is the best type! Thanks for any help!!
Forgot to add - I do not plan on feeding pellets. Just hay, grain (I can get oats and wheat), BOSS and whatever stuff I can gather from our property (3 acres). :)
You probably want a pure alfalfa or alfalfa mix. It will up the protein and the calcium will help balance the high phosphorous in grains. It might still be a good idea to look into further calcium supplementation depending how much and what greens you have. You should include a good mineral supplement and I would add flaxseed. I use Himalayan naturally mined salt and mineral blocks. You can get 2 lb natural blocks or cut single stall feeder blocks off horse sites like state line tack. They will last the lifetime of more than one rabbit unless you can find a way to break them. In the past I have used loose horse or goat minerals and soft horse mineral blocks. Not the hard mostly salt blocks that barely have added minerals. Flaxseed appears to be fully digestible by rabbits unlike some other animals and provides omega 3 to counter the excessive amount of omega 6 in sunflower seed. You can also roll the grains in flax oil for a more concentrated version.