What is this plant?

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2010
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These are all over the pasture. Curious as to what they are. They're very small - about the size of a nickel.

Not ground cherries - no paper husk.

They have taken over the one pasture. We didn't have them last year that I recollect. It's bizarre! And they are only in the one pasture.

It looks like there are a lot of bittersweets bunched together on their vines. These aren't as bunched as that. Honestly, they look like small, wild cherry tomatoes. They don't have a hearty plant or vine. Most of the plants have half a dozen or so fruits/berries but not more than a dozen. There's just a lot of the plants.
Get one of your kids to do it- they'll eat anything. :twisted:

Just kidding... make Greg do it. :lol:
DONT EAT IT! there is something that grows that is in the tomato family that is very poisonous! It took over my garden. Good thing I knew I did not plant any tomatoes that color!

Carolina Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) is not a true nettle, but a member of the Solanaceae, or nightshade family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, native to southeastern United States that has spread widely throughout North America. This plant has hard spines along the stems that can penetrate the skin and break off, causing much pain.
"Horsenettle" is also written "horse nettle" or "horse-nettle", though USDA publications usually use the one-word form. Though there are other horsenettle nightshades, S. carolinense is the species most widely known simply as "the horsenettle". It is also known as Radical Weed or Sand Brier (or "briar"), while more ambiguous names are "bull nettle", "tread-softly" and "apple of Sodom". Names like Devil's Tomato and particularly "wild tomato" are better avoided, as the fruits of Carolina Horsenettle are poisonous and may kill a human who eats of them.

Looks just like what you have here! POISONOUS!!!!


  • Horse_nettle_berries.jpg
    18.9 KB · Views: 246
My husband loves tomatoes, especially cherries. He's seen these before. They are VERY BAD. Will make you sick if ingested.

Ouch, will know to ask if it has any other things, like spines or thorns, next time!
:shock: Good thing you didn't taste it I guess.

A friend of mine and I were hiking once and we kept seeing plants with melon like fruit. We asked a park ranger what they were, and he told us they were coyote melons. "Are they edible?" we asked. "Sure, you could eat them. They might kill you, but you could eat them." was his reply. :?

It turns out the seeds are edible, but the fruit itself is unpalatable.