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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Nov 30, 2013
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Pueblo, CO
MissM and that other greenie. Her name eludes me right now it's been so long since I've seen her. :twisted:

Poor Maggie has been left all by her lonesome to keep the "rabbit barn" in order. :cry: Ain't right I tells ya, ain't right. :evil: lol

Hope your all OK!
Both Miss M and "that other greenie" are AWOL (away WITH official leave) They both are overloaded with other commitments at the present time and in addition, Miss M has been having problems accessing RT. Since summer is a quiet time on the forums, it hasn't been too onerous and MidnightCoder helps me from behind the scenes when I need him.

I've been in touch by email with Miss M, but it's time I touched base with "that other greenie" to make sure she hasn't used her Get Away With It card to fly the coop. :lol:
Ah XD Here in Arizona, summer is when people hide inside out of the heat on their computer, and winter is when they can live their lives in pleasant weather.
Checking in, Homer! :)

I posted this thread yesterday: sorry-for-vanishing-t30783.html

Basically, we had a 1000-year flood some weeks back, and we've actually had some trouble getting onto RT for a good while. I need to get back up with MC.

More info on the other thread!

MSD has been holding down the home fort singlehandedly for quite a while now, if I'm not mistaken, as work has taken everybody else out of town.
I'm stuck inside online because we are having our second highest flood. We did venture out in traffic and take the dogs hiking but it was dark by the time we got the store for food and then got to a trail that is not flooded. All my kayaking lakes are covered in river and all my trails are at best soggy. I didn't really garden this year. We are setting up areas for the future and after seeing what popped up in the week the tarp was removed we decided to lay down weed barrier everywhere and layer on top of it next year.
Miss M":z9xdc9j2 said:
Checking in, Homer! :)
Glad you're all OK! :) I get a bit nervous when I don't see you guys around. (I knew about the flooding down there.) Saw BWK's handle once in a while but that was it.

Now if we could just hear from ole' what's her name life would be good again. :lol: Spose she's getting ready for Nats.
Homer, according to her profile "ol' what's her name" dropped in at RT at 3:01 AM Sunday. Seriously surreptitious! :lol: But at least you know she was alive and kicking at that time. She probably popped in to make sure you have been behaving yourself. :p
MaggieJ":20exg6ij said:
There ya go, Homer! :D "Ol' what's her name" popped in briefly this afternoon and actually posted! Apparently, Nymphadora met her in person :eek: at the ARBA Convention and shows!

I read in the convention post Nymphadora met up with her. Must have been an accident as no one that went has posted diddly about it. *Humph* :evil: Guess they didn't do very good on the table. :pokeeye:

Nymphadora":20exg6ij said:
I'll admit, I was a little starstruck.

Why? Did she hit you with Miss M's chair? :chair: They use it on me often.
Careful Homer, she might dig that chair up again for you!
Or maybe she'll use the giant yucca stalk she brought to convention... :twisted:
Homer, I have returned!!!

I hope, at least! Like Miss M, I have been having trouble getting onto RT- I almost thought I had been banned for a while! :eek: When I did manage to get the page to load and get logged in, I would get booted off after a click or two of navigation on the forum.

Anyhow- Hubs and ColliePup were in Washington remodeling some homes for nearly six months, leaving me and the two eldest pups here at home. But sadly, they weren't home all that much either, both having summer jobs at a local "guest ranch" where they would stay overnight on the days they were working. I got a nasty taste of what the "empty nest syndrome" to come will be. :angry: :cry:

Life continues to be busy- I have two litters of pups that are just now ready for homes, so am chained to the computer answering puppy emails- and right now I am up as midwife to Tule Fog who has blessed us with four pups so far. I have one person scheduled so far to come meet the pups tomorrow, and another two on Monday.

My rabbit chew business is also booming, thanks to the evil FaceBook, which has proven to be an excellent marketing tool. http://www.facebook.com/critterzchewzit

I still have an extensive herd of Rex rabbits, and now also have a beloved house rabbit. Sir Gridley Chewzit is the SpokesBunny, Postal Inspector, and head of R&D for Critterz Chewzit, and is the most engaging little Tan rabbit you will ever have the joy of meeting!

I have missed you all sorely- even you, Homer!- and hope that the computer gods will be kind enough to load RabbitTalk for me so I can keep an eye on *ahem!* certain people here. :twisted:
:nana: Glad to see you finally back. It just isn't right without at least one of you around to - err, umm, ah, confer (yeah right, that's the word I'm looking for :twisted: ) with.

When the site gives you a hard time try running a program that will clean up your cache, cookies, history and registry. Ive been using CCleaner lately and it works very well. Even a techno peasant can run it. Best part is it's free! We like free! :yes: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download/standard

Good to hear the hub had work. Remodeling can be a rather lucrative business.
I got a nasty taste of what the "empty nest syndrome" to come will be. :angry: :cry:
You just have to look at it the right way MSD. With the nest empty that leaves a lot more time for the bunnies. :lilbunny: :pinkbunny: More "me" time. :p Though reading the rest of your post that doesn't sound like it's going to happen. Not with the puppies and the toys your making.
Now :gettowork: (LMK if you need help with ccleaner tough I doubt you will)

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