Weight-loss motivation thread

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I dropped the treadmill onto the floor today-- with the thyroid hormone kicking in, I can actually move now--so, back to 5 minutes every hour or so--slow and sure is the way-- and I don't have to worry about the snow!
About 8 wks ago we started eating Paleo...it was part of a challenge at the Crossfit gym where we go. Didn't really expect much out of it, but there is a cash money prize so I thought I might as well give it a try. Hubs joined me. We eat meat, vegetables, some fruit, nuts and seeds, little starch, no sugar, no dairy, no grains, no legumes (peas or beans). In 8 wks I have lost 11lbs...srsly...and I feel I have been eating like a pig the entire time. I don't count calories either. Now, the two more important things that have happened are 1) I feel SO much better! No more GI issues, more energy, better performance, etc. and 2) I am down two sizes and 3" in my waist alone! My husband is even more impressive...he looks like an underwear model without his shirt on...total six pack abs. This is without a doubt the best I have ever seen him look and he feels great! So, we will likely stick with eating Paleo. My body doesn't miss the grains and stuff and obviously didn't need them! If you are interested, here are couple of links:

This explains Paleo eating:

This is a site that will give you weekly meals plans, recipes and generate a grocery shopping list for your week:
OneAcreFarm":1pkclsrl said:
I think that is just that particular person's take on it... the Paleo diet is a way of eating. Basically, it's a grain free diet. Anything else is just "extra" info added by other people.

I realize that and I think it's basically a good diet :) But I like some of the extras people add.. I wonder how many people can actually do this without either looing their job, or like me - ending up sleeping their lives away.<br /><br />__________ Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:57 pm __________<br /><br />I'm already at 1000kcal, but there's only dinner left so I should be fine. If I'm hungry after dinner I can still squeese in a sallad.
I did eat half a pizza today.. I wanted it. But I only took half of it, so I could taste pizza for 350kcal instead of 700! :D It's the only wheat-free pizza I've found, a frozen type.

I've been walking about 1km - in the snow but it's not that deep.. just deep enough to be annoying yet better than the icy, slippery road - and I was riding for a bit. I feel okay, but after I've started to walk it takes about 1 minute untill my lower legs, knees and back starts aching.. I'm used to always be aching but having that goig away after 1 minute or so working :lol: So.. I figure I should take it easy. Just do minimal excecise, like.. walking that km or maybe two. Probably shouldn't be riding either, but it's fun. I'm getting a bit feverish as well, better not to overload the system..

I'm concidering to treat myself to 100g of candy on saturday. Or perhaps just veggies and dipping..hmm..

For the fun of it, a bonus picture from today! It's not me though, but my dad and his horse. I was there too, obviously, behind the camera :lol:


I think I'll go update my blog with some bunny pictures.. the 4 does got a box today, and it's just so nice to see them all together :)
My Agricultural Biology teacher started at 236lbs about 46 days ago. He is now down to about 212 and dropping :eek: His goal is to be 195 by summer!!

Amazing! I wish I had the self-control and commitment that he does. My mom said that my metabolism will eventually slow down and I won't be able to eat like i do now! o-o Hope that is a long ways away!


So.. my end count will be 1126kcal today. No riding or crosstraining but I did take a 6km brisk walk. I needed that.<br /><br />__________ Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:16 am __________<br /><br />Hm. I've lost 4 kg (8.8lb) in 5 days.
Sure.. most of that is waterweight of course.. but I'm getting motivated :D Down at 75kg! Maybe I can be down at 65kg in time for that scool reunion! (15 weeks from now)..hmmm...
well... i'm not doing much good at any of this hahaha. i wont tell the sweets or things i've had because i dont want to tease. but i admit i've not really paid much attention to what i eat even since this thread started...

i've figured that until i'm able to buy/grow all my food then i wont be able to go paleo living with my family. if i tried i think i'd end up passing out from not eating. this is definitely a bread and pasta house... *sigh*

i'm not a big fish person and thats really the only thing here left to eat thats real meat and not packaged with tons of wheat and things in/with it.
plus in my whole life i've only really eaten real fish that i liked 3 times.
one was the next town overs VFD fish fry.
second was some battered and fried perch i made myself. first time making fish and it was fresh from a guy who gave it to my dad as a gift cause he wants to start huntin here some. so it was pretty fresh. just caught, cut, bagged.
third was my sisters boyfriend made some talapia. it was pretty good but i had to mix it with lots of cornbread and butter. and thats not exactly paleo....
Aw, too bad :/ But can it really be that dificult? Dad has potatoes to every meal, which I don't.. but I buy frozen veggies (a mix with broccoli, carrots and such) and pour boiling water over it.. takes 3 mins to have it ready. And eat instead of potatoes. Buying egg and non-processed meat can't be that impossible?

Anyhow, good luck :)
Well, Saturday, I shoveled the front walk and parking area in front of the house so about 4 hours of good steady work. Then on Sunday I cut and covered all the cages with 6mil plastic, topped with long boards and bricks to prep for the blizzard we are getting today. I haven't had any snacks, only drink unsweetened brewed tea, and had 2 pieces of pizza Sat night and a small burger last night for supper. I won't get much cardio work in today ... stuck inside.<br /><br />__________ Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:38 am __________<br /><br />Oh, and I don't actually weigh myself, I judge my weight loss by my clothing ... looser and I know I have lost weight :p
went on a nice walk today with my sister to take pics of her for facebook. so kind of exercise.
Last night I bought a scale. But not for me; I did it so I could weigh my DOGS. :D
(Flea & Tick topical season again)

AnnClaire I am with you; I judge weight loss by my clothing size.

And I've thought my pants were a bit looser but I couldn't tell for sure. But when I stepped on the scale to check myself before starting the dog lifts I was shocked. I am back to the weight I was in college.


My family are like bears. Each winter, we put on a few more pounds, and get a little bit bigger for the next year. It's just the way it is.

But now that I've moved down south, the seasons are flipped, so that in the summers, I am half dead in the extreme heat (how can people do anything in it? I can barely function).

I did a lot of gardening in the dark.

But the spring, fall and winter are happy months for me. And there is a beautiful creek about a mile down the mountain I like to visit. It's quite a steep climb, and talk about a cardio workout. I have been making the trek for fun but now I think I will do it more.

Goat kidding season is coming up too so lots of running back and forth for towels and the baby snot sucker to look forward to.

Count me in. :) My goal is 25lbs by July (when it will be too hot to do anything but breathe).
Congrats Duman, I would love to see "college weight" again :p I did have to pull out the packages of smaller undies last week ... and the jeans are not fitting as snug when I put them on. It is great to need a belt to hold the jeans up LOL

And for those in the HUMID southern climes, too bad, that is one way I lose a lot of weight ... work in the heat of the day, drink LOTS of water, and it helps flush impurities out and helps metabolize that fat :D
In the interest of helping to motivate others, here are my before and after pics...this is before switching to a Paleo and 8wks later. I have lost 11lbs and 3 inches on my waist.

OAF, talk about motivating!!! And you have lost another 11 on top of what we see in the photos? AWESOME!!!
AnnClaire":285x7alm said:
OAF, talk about motivating!!! And you have lost another 11 on top of what we see in the photos? AWESOME!!!

No, 11lbs total....but I am still working on it. Want to lose about 5lbs more.
Miss M":1yebm6p7 said:
Wow, OAF!!! :p Is it possible to do this Paleo diet on a very tight budget?

Oh yes, because you won't be spend money on junky food. Basically, it is lean meat, vegetables, some fruits, nuts and seeds, good fats, NO sugar (honey or stevia instead), no grains or grain products (Wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, etc), no legumes (beans, peas, etc.)Dairy is up to you.... The real upside is I feel better than I have in years! No bloating, no digestive issues, tons of energy!
Well, saw one of my docs today-- and since the re-introduction of the natural thyroid hormone-- I LOST 15 pound in the last two weeks-- We will be pulling labs at the end of this week to recheck my Vitamin-D levels--as I may still need some supplementing. The nicer weather had me outside a lot on Saturday--I so look forweard to nicer weather, and being able to move about more-- the dog needs more intensive training- he is large enough to provide counterbalance without being harmed by a small mis-step. No reason why he cannot officially be working in public right now!!!

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