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Ramjet":3hx63ret said:
Last month we had highs in the 90's and lows in the 80's ..... No wonder I cant get a litter.

macksmom98":3hx63ret said:
I'll race you Ramjet, to see who can produce the first litter this fall, lol....soooooo ready to see some wigglers!

Bring them up North a little way. They're calling for 17* here Friday night. That ought to cool thing off the family jewels a bit. :p Actually mine just started breeding again two weeks ago after their summer break. It's been in the 80's and low 90's here too. Even with A/C in the shop I couldn't keep them going. And this morning I have a fire going in the stove. :x
Our weather in a word? Wacky.

We had three days with frost the middle of last month...fairly normal. Now? In the 70s, and we have windows open 24/7.
Near record highs.
I think we jumped ahead 6 months. The calendar says November, but everything else says May. 90 during the day, mid 70s at night. It rained the other afternoon and cleared up just before sunset... Typical late spring - early summer. Even the clouds that build along the coast as I'm heading west in the morning scream summer.
The only sign of fall, is the sun arcing far to the north.
Cold front forecast for tomorrow... Mid 80s. :roll:
El Nino is supposed to give us a colder and wetter than normal winter. ;)
It's coming.... Storms, rain, wind warning from wednesday through thursday. This will probably be the start of the cold and then winter weather.
Still warm here, a little less humid and another friend just sent me a video of her newborn kits! Hopefully we all start having more soon!
Tornado sirens, 70mph winds, I think I heard some hail on the upstairs windows.... My husband basically got locked in his work because all the exits but the main one are potentially storm hazardous like skywalks. He would have just used it anyway but apparently they feel like making that choice for people and locking the doors. A friend posted pics of damage in Des Moines, there was a street sign through a garage door, and my sister in Arkansas is stuck at my grandma's because of downed trees. Batten down the hatches if you are in the path of that thing.
Well .... Finally a "delivery" if you want to call one DOA kit a delivery. Found it stiff & half eaten on the wire.

Doe was a first timer , didn't appear pregnant and was several days early, due date was 12-4. Noticed some fluid discharge a day or prior to her delivery , basically just a wet bottom. Apparently she struggled in the delivery as the kit appeared very elongated.

She is ~28 weeks old .... so age / maturity shouldn't be an issue. Not sure what to attribute this failure to.

Guess I'll rebreed her and see what comes of it ..... this is getting really frustrating.
Are you sure there aren't more to come? I had one delivery kits on 2 different days and a stuck one inbetween the live ones. Then my sisters rabbit seemed to have miscarried one (we never saw the body but cage bottom had a blood spot the size of a kit) then delivered 6 more a day later (all found cold on the cage floor and she didn't try to revive any of them-unexpected litter anyway). So, it is possible there may be more to come. I am feeling your frustration tho. Had my sr doe Haystaching again today (day 15). Rebred Thumper today, and Bronco hasn't kindled or shown signs of false pregnancy yet. So my fingers are still crossed, but I am sooooo tired of waiting!!!!! I think the heat problems are pretty much done, now I am dealing with a young buck and stubborn doe issues from having a few months off. I am so beyond over it, lol.
I tried to rebreed her today and she was totally uncooperative , she's also still a bit damp on the bottom and also has some discharge from the vag .... quite possible she has more to deliver.

I attempted to palpate and didn't feel anything and she doesn't at all appear pregnant - no extra weight.

I'm going to leave the nest box in until a day or two after her due date just to be safe.
Ramjet":32yiswtr said:
I tried to rebreed her today and she was totally uncooperative , she's also still a bit damp on the bottom and also has some discharge from the vag .... quite possible she has more to deliver.

I attempted to palpate and didn't feel anything and she doesn't at all appear pregnant - no extra weight.

I'm going to leave the nest box in until a day or two after her due date just to be safe.

I wonder what is going on with does ! It seems everyone is having issues with their does-being late, early, misses ect. I have one Am. Blue doe that delivers day 32 like clockwork and is a wonderful mom. The other (they are sisters)- First 2 breedings, I blamed on heat sterility in my buck because the other doe missed as well...this last breeding I could feel and tell she was pregnant. Due date was 11/25/15 (this was her first litter so that was the 30 day mark). She delivered 1 stretched kit DOA on Thanksgiving morning and another the next morning. No more since then and has since started eating again, so I placed her back in with the buck to see what happens! Hopefully in about 32 days I have will have all 4 does kindling.

Good Luck Ramjet!
I assisted in breeding Thumper today. I basically manually made her lift. I saw semen in the right spot so I hope we got the job done. They have been soooo stubborn this fall. And the false pregnancies are messing with their heads. Good part was when I assisted her in lifting, the next time I put them together later she did it on her own. So I hope
I taught her how to do it, and can avoid having to do that in the future:)
michaels4gardens":2vqsnlx9 said:
it snowed here, then this am it was 8 deg. F, supposed to be colder tonight-- I guess winter is here

Brrrr. I'm cold just thinking about those temps. We usually don't get into the single digits. I think our coldest last year was 13.

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