Thoughts and prayers please

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
Reaction score
My mom has been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. It is small and does not seem to have spread, so that is good. We are currently discussing treatment and all prayers, thoughts and good wishes are welcome! Thanks y'all!
Hopefully the small size means it was found early enough. My mom's side of the family never goes to doctors and my grandma ignored her symptoms. She was diagnosed and died in one month. Our lives would be very different and some family members may have even lived longer if my grandma had been around to help.
Your mom, your family, and her physicians will be in my prayers.

I am now almost 20 years CAN be done.
Sorry to hear this , at least it was caught early ?? .... Hope it all works out for the best. I'll keep your mom in my prayers.
(((Hugs))) to you and your mom, Sistah!

I'm glad they caught it early. :) Treatment has come a long way, so I am sure she will come through it okay. :clover: