The Revenant

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2013
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Troy, Montana
The Revenant premiers tonight at the Dome Theater in Libby, Montana. The studio is giving us a premier opening a day before the rest of the world because part of it was shot locally. The river scene was shot summer of 2014 at Kootenai River Falls which is less than 5 miles upstream from my house. Most of it was shot just across the border in Canada but it looks like Montana also. I probably won't see it before the Saturday matinee because the 35 mile round trip to Libby is something I try to minimize and make no more than necessary but this is "sort of necessary". :lol:
Out little single screen movie theater shows one movie for a week so we don't get all the latest flicks when they first come out, in fact we don't get all of them at all but this time we get a break. The theater owner had to contract for a two week run and for such a low population density as we have here he may lose money on that, I hope not but it could be so.
Who knows when we'll finally get Star Wars. :lol:
Nope, it appears on the schedule as "coming soon" which probably means some time in February. :lol: There is a downside to living in a small community, like 80 miles to the nearest Walmart, but on the whole I think we come out way ahead. Plus there I always Netflix. <br /><br /> __________ Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:17 pm __________ <br /><br /> Well we did see the Revenant and I have to say I was not terribly impressed. Historical fiction is fine but if you use the names of real persons and associate your movie with real historical events then I think one should stick at least reasonably close to known historical fact. That was not the case here, other than his being mauled by a bear and left behind the movie bore not the slightest resemblance to the know historical facts of the life of Hugh Glass.
It was a very dreary, grey movie from end to end. It did give an idea of the hardship endured every day by those who sought the beaver pelts. When they weren't wading through snow and ice water they were always in sodden moccasins and buckskin pants night and day. Theirs was a brutal life and if they were brutal men who could fault them?
The entire movie from start to finish was filmed in snow, giving the impression that the events all took place over a span of about two months when in fact they took years to play out and of course never did play out as shown in the movie.
Well it wasn't quite all filmed in winter. The scene where DiCaprio is being washed down the rapids of Kootenai River Falls was obviously filmed in summer and it was the only time one caught a glimpse of sun light on a distant mountainside. It was comical coming from a snowy landscape into a summer landscape, even though dreary grey summer for the ride down the rapids and as soon as the river flattens and slows he is back in winter snow again. :lol:
All in all if you happen to miss this one you won't be missing much. :roll:
DiCaprio made news here during shooting because he feared one of our natural occurring warm winter winds (aka Chinook) was none other than the earth killing climate change. And besides his proven ignorance his hypocritical side came out when they had to move snow down from the mountains to their filming locations. For a spokesperson who fights against the use of carbon, he sure needed to use a bunch for this movie.

It can never be warm enough in winter.
That's cool that it was filmed so close, but I always hate it when movies skew history like that. Especially when the original story was so much better.

There were at least two movies filmed in our immediate area (Buffalo Valley, TN).

The old movie I Walk the Line (with Gregory Peck & Tuesday Weld) was filmed out here. My aunt and uncle got to have lunch with the actors on the set (he delivered propane). My aunt said Tuesday Weld was much less attractive in person.

The opening scene from The Green Mile was filmed a couple of miles up the road under the old railroad bridge on the Caney Fork. One of the Park Rangers here (now retired) claims he was hiding in a tree watching them film, and if you zoom in you can see him. I'm pretty sure he's pulling our leg :lol: .

Star Wars was pretty awesome though! I hope it comes you way soon, Coyote Joe. :D
Well it seems that the Revenant got several awards from Golden Globe but of course not for historical accuracy. :lol:
I'm looking forward to see it myself. Leonardo is a bit of a quack in my books but I think he is a pretty good actor. As far as accuracy goes in movies I tend to just enjoy the presentation for what it is, entertainment. More often than not, if the movie intrigues me I will do research on the story afterwards to learn about the realities. It's disappointing even in the simplest stories how augmented the truth can be but by doing the research the movie in the end helped me learn something.

And speaking as a person who enjoyed Star Wars as a kid when they originally aired, The Force Awakens was pretty darn great. J.J. Abrams did a good job of washing the taste of the last 3 out of my head. Remakes don't always work, but if any movie needed to be remade it would be episodes 1-3. Horrible horrible stuff.
Some people are even signing a petition to bring back George Lucas (the man responsible for the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad prequels) for director! How much more insane can you get?!

Phacelia, that is so cool! My dad had some moments like that. As a cashier, he rang up the groceries of Captain Lou Albano, the wrestler/actor. He looked up at him and said "Do you know how many times I wanted to jump through my TV and beat you up?" Cpt. Albano just smiled and said "That was a long time ago, wasn't it?" They laughed and he gave Dad an autographed card, and Dad still has it to this day.

Another time, Dad was installing an air conditioner for a couple, the Paines. As he walked through the house to do the job, he saw a picture of a girl whose face he had thought he had recognized. He turned to the home owner and said, "Don't I recognize her?". He said, "No, but you probably recognize her sister, she's in the picture at the other end." When he looked, he realized the girl in the picture was the actress Linda Hamilton, and the man in the picture with her was none other than the actor Ron Perlman. That's when he found out Linda was a twin, her sister being a nurse. As it turned out, Dad was installing the A/C that belonged to the parents of Linda Hamilton, who starred with Ron Perlman in the 1987 television series "Beauty and the Beast"!

I love those stories, never gets old...... :)

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