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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
York, PA
Tomorrow I have to cull my first kit. I've processed for meat, and culled adults with pasteurella, but never a young kit. It has wry neck, and its gotten worse no matter what I try. Now it has goop around it's eyes too and I noticed the doe was sneezing. The kit is only about two and a half weeks and can only stumble in circles, I feel this is the most humane action. Im betting the doe has P and the kit too. She will have to go once the rest of the litter is raised. I'll process them all but not use the organs. I'm just going to have trouble with the little one. I watched it for a while today and held it, couldn't do it right then though I knew somehow it was inevitable. I thought about it tonight and ccan't let it suffer. It's just going to be so much harder with a kit. This is the hardest thing I've had to do since I started raising rabbits. One more thing to learn, but the hardest to overcome.
Hugs for you.

I've been there too, kits are hard to be ready for. You'll do it just fine :)
So sorry you have to do that. :( Having to cull a bunny is hard to do. I recently had to do it to try to get ahead of a virus that hit my rabbits. Bless your heart! [[HUGS}}
I'm so sorry you are having to do this. :cry: I can't imagine how difficult it is to have to cull a kit. I'm sure I'll have to someday.

You're doing the right thing for the kit's sake. It sounds like it would only continue to get worse. :(
:sorry: That really stinks, but know that you are doing the absolute best that you can for the kit. I will be thinking of you and praying for you to have peace about this. (((hugs)))
Unfortunate circumstances arise whenever we take on the responsibility
of raising and nurturing livestock. Yes, I said livestock.
It makes decisions such as the one you're facing, easier that way.

It's not easy to do the 'deed'. But, it must be done.
Consider the discomfort of the animal and act
according to their needs. Putting one down, isn't easy.'s easier for the animal's suffering to come to an end.

I care for literally hundreds of rabbits per day.
The laws of percentages demands that I make life
and death decisions on a daily basis.
I "still" get that 'icky' feeling in the pit of my
stomach when I have to put a youngster down.

It's not fun...but it's part of our job.


I always dread the time when I have to cull a youngster, no matter the species. But as Grumpy said, it's part of our job.


I can't stand doing little guys, either, and tend to procrastinate if I can. I have one right now that must have broken his leg in the nest, and it sticks out to the side. I was going to grow it out for meat, but last night I noticed the hock is getting abraded by dragging on the wire- before it was just bald.

So I will be culling a little guy today as well, though not as young as yours. :(

The worst part is the anticipation. They are really easy to kill when they are tiny, in the mechanical sense. I culled one about the same age as yours by striking the back of the head with a metal pipe, and death was instant.

You'll notice that I am procrastinating too... sitting here typing instead of doing the deed. But it is best to just do it and get it over with.

Just one more cup of coffee, and I'll get it done...
I think culling a kit is harder because we wish for the best for our rabbits, and when they don't have a chance to have the good life we'd hoped for them, it hurts us. If it was an older rabbit, then we can rationalize they've had a life of their own and it is for their own good but a youngster? They haven't had a chance at life, and we dread taking that away from them. However, the reality is that they do not have a quality of life and will not have a normal, quality life...and though it is so hard to take a young creature's life it is far, far worse to let them suffer.

But I do understand that it is difficult, and I'm so sorry you are in this situation. :( I'm also glad that the suffering of that kit won't be prolonged, that he has you to take care of him and do what is in his best interests.
Such a hard, hard thing to do, but if the alternative is for the poor little thing to be miserable and are making the right choice. Heartfelt hugs and warm fuzzy thoughts winging your way!
its ok, i had to kill a few newborns before, the mother had a surprise litter and began to eat there back legs, the wounds were to deep to save then so i had to kill them, then kill the mother for it, it is a sad thing i hate having to do it to such young bunnies.