Suckling pig

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Big Island of Hawaii
I posted this in this forum because it's the meat forum and I didn't want to offend folks.

I can purchase a young wild pig for $10. I thought I could make suckling pig!

Does anyone know how to process it for dinner?
I normally skin my hogs as scalding is harder - for me at least - than it looks.

Do you process your own rabbits? If so, your hog comes apart just like a rabbit with REALLY stubborn skin. :lol:

Skinning is the only hardish bit but just keep your knife sharp and cut the skin off carefully.

If you scald I THINK the water temp should be 150f. I plan to try scalding again as I got it to work for the guinea pigs so its time to try again with a proper pig.

Just work really fast when scalding as the extra heat on the body makes the guts smellier.<br /><br />__________ Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:09 am __________<br /><br />Forgot to say WOW! Good price!!!

And if you don't butcher your own rabbits yet, don't be put off by doing a pig, disassembling a pig is really NOT rocket science. :lol:

Just remember to keep sharpening your knife. And branch loppers are really good for cutting through joints.

When I break one down after its skinned and gutted I cut both back legs off at the ball socket of the hip, cut off the belly flaps, then the front legs, just cut between the leg and the ribs, it comes right off, then cut out the loins, then use the loppers to cut the ribs off right up tight to the back bone.

The spine and neck and head go into a big stock pot - or, if its a big pig, those bits go in a few at a time till done and the next bit goes in - and when the meat is falling off the bones we pick all the meat off for barbecue and strain the stock for later use.

Its really easy.

Sorry to be so wordy this morning, I am waiting for my relief so I can hit the road but she is stuck in traffic. :(