Strange injury!

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
Western Michigan
This morning right after breakfast I was out cooing at and snuggling popples (don't judge me, LOL) and Tionol was fine. Just want to establish a baseline of the last time I saw her before the injury.

I have been doing homework and stuff went out to do some yardwork. Tionol is currently caged in the garage on the opposite side from my "quarantine" cage block. Her cage is about two inches or less off the ground. The garden my dad spent the whole time working on is just outside the garage, like a little more than fifteen feet away from her, so he has had her practically in sight the whole time and saw/heard nothing.

So I went out right before lunch to give her some scraps (we had some veggies so she was getting a snack of the trimmed off parts) AND THE TIP OF AN EAR IS GONE.

No blood in the cage, no blood on the wound (which seems odd as heck, in my experience ear wounds tend to bleed a LOT) and the earchunk (about the size of my thumbnail in length, so not an insubstantial loss for a tiny rabbit!) is nowhere to be found. My dad was operating some loud garden tools (which all our rabbits are used) and as said was close by, so I doubt this was perpetrated by an animal. It honestly looks like an "old" wound, except it wasn't THERE this morning!!!!

What the heck could have happened? Her kits are fine, they are two weeks old and starting to nibble pellets, oatmeal, and hay in the nest...and a few have nibbled pretty intently on my fingers when I'm petting/handling them, could a KIT have chewed off a hunk of an ear?!

I'm figuring I just paint the ear with some Nustock and let it be unless it looks infected, does that sound ok?

NEVER had anything like this happen before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a psycho rex doe get lose once and attack another doe through the cage wire. Took the tip of her ear right off. Never found the ear piece either, and it all happened inside the house. I don't remember seeing much in the way of blood.

(The rex doe never made it to breeding age)
How strange. :?

The only thing I can think is the kits did it. I have seen chewed ears in growout pens before, so it seems that kits sometimes will nibble on whatever is in reach.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":it3bt9ks said:
I'm figuring I just paint the ear with some Nustock and let it be unless it looks infected, does that sound ok?
You probably don't even have to do that, since it looks so resolved already. But it might make you feel better. :lol:

Other than that... I got nothin'. No clue. :pancake:

Maybe she's playing games with your brain.
My dad thinks a squirrel snuck in and somehow ate her eartip off. I pointed out she's a NETHERLAND DWARF with teeny ears and no way would they be sticking out the cage wire!!! Plus our squirrels are bold but not SO bold as to waltz into the garage with my dad standing right there operating power tools.

I suspect it was the kits. Not sure how I feel about that, LOL!!!!!! :x
I had one of my most mellow does turn around and pierce the buck's ear before, but never take out any hunks!

Poor little thing, I bet she looks so lop sided now with those tiny ears!