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Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Hello again! Long time no "see"! :)

I posted as DumansArk about Muppet, my mystery rabbit that started out kind of fuzzy and turned FURRY. He is just the coolest guy.


And his fur is just as wooly as ever:


But he is one year old now, and we've introduced several does to him. The breedings appear to go normally but none of the does have ever conceived.

Heat of the summer? The other bucks continued right on through with siring litters; no issues. Maybe it is because he is so hairy, his extremities held in heat or... grasping at straws, I know. I just so badly want does with offspring out of him!

I checked for a split penis: nope, all the equipment looks fine and appears functional.

I thought maybe all that fur was getting in the way, so I trimmed it. No change.

I was recently told that citrus shouldn't be given to male rats, as it can cause tumors, kidney stones, and sterility. I thought, "Huh." (my rats get oranges all the time, and reproduce juuuust fine) BUT -- Muppet had a bunch of orange and grapefruit and such because he lived next to the guinea pigs for a while and he begged for some every time they got their fix.

He isn't the first rabbit to get a lot of citrus, and in all the buck rabbits we've ever owned over the years, only one other was sterile.

Someone tell me there is an herbal tea, a recipe for unicorn hair boiled in his waterbottle, a magical cure - something? Anything? :cry:
What a handsome fellow he grew up to be!

The only thing I can think of (unless his aim is off) is that he may be lacking sufficient Vitamin A and E. Some good sources of Vitamin A include Dandelion, Turnip greens, Mustard greens, Romaine lettuce, spinach, winter squash, sweet potato, and carrots, while Vitamin E can be found in Sunflower seeds, dried apricots, basil, oregano, and spinach.
Or you could just feed a teaspoon to tablespoon of flaxseed and you'd get both those vitamins and then some. Even horses see improvements on just tablespoons of the stuff. I soak oatmeal in flaxseed oil as a supplement for coat, weight gain, and everything else. Not a mix for fat rabbits.

If you started breeding him just as it got hot and it hasn't been cool very long yet there is some hope it's heat sterility. Some rabbits are more susceptible than others and some can take 3months to recover.
I hope it is just heat sterility then, Akane thanks!

And MSD, I will start offering the goodies. He isn't a big fan of sunflower seeds (crazy guy) but he likes his carrots. I will offer more Romaine and start adding a little of the rest. Thanks!!

I'll try a little flax too! Thanks!!!
Thank you for the link to the recipe: I gotta try my hand at those!

And Akane I do love Manna Pro products. GOOD STUFF! And WM carries them now? WOo! Fantastic, I'll look into that too.
GUESS WHAT???!!!! :p :p :p :p :p

Muppet "WORKS"!

His doe pulled a great nest and I saw three popples for sure. I AM SO HAPPY!

It is bitterly cold (for this region) today, lots of snow, wind, and yuck, but hopefully they stay plenty warm.

YAY!!! :bouncy:

I know I'll be overcome with curly-cuteness envy, but still! I can't wait to see his babies! :p
Thank you both!!! =D Oh and MSD just wait til I upload pics of your Not Mine. She had a wonderful litter with the cutest little kits - I am just in love :)
Your rabbits sure are awesome! :D

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