squirrel attack rabbit

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Jul 22, 2013
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i sometimes let out a rabbit to run around in the back yard when i feed the rabbits and ducks in the morning, this time it is was angelic (cotton tail). she usually runs around and eats the grass, but a squirrel decided to come down a tree and in the yard, she saw it and instantly put her ears back and ran after the squirrel chasing it back up the tree, then hopped around, lol. it was abit funny but she wasn't territorial, anyone else have a rabbit that chases squirrels??
lol xD yes!! "its a furious horrifying creature!" "what behind the bunny?" "no, it, it is the bunny" lolz xD its my favorite scene

Hi XxbrexX!

... and the furious horrifying creature was screaming "The grass is mine, ALL MINE, I tell you! Begone, squirrel!"
hehe hi momasheepdog, lolz I'm going to watch monty now lolz i cant get it out of my head xD
That is fantastic. I have a buck that chases cats. Well, jumps at them...and they run in terror.