Software for tracking meat rabbit data

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
Columbus, GA
Hi! I haven’t been around lately, but I still have my Californians.

I wonder, what is everyone doing with their data? I have pieces of paper, index cards, a Google Docs spreadsheet… it’s not pretty.

I looked around to see if there was anything available, and the software packages I found were a) for Windows and b) mostly aimed at printing pedigrees. Not what I need.

I am interested in tracking…
- litter weights by date to see which does are producing the most meat
- carcass weights when they are processed
- how much I’m feeding, and the conversion rate
- the cost of feed and other inputs

I also need it to remind me when to add nest boxes, tell me when to expect kits, etc.

Extra points if I can enter the data on my phone while I’m out with the rabbits.

I have started an open source project to do this. It’s very early days — right now I am letting the data model emerge by entering data and then querying to see if I can get what I need out of it.

For example, I’m currently thrilled that after entering a pair of rabbits and recording when the doe was exposed to the buck, the ‘Schedule’ page says:

Doe C3 bred (to C4) 11/07 to 11/09. Add nestbox on Thu 12/04. Kits due Mon 12/08 to Wed 12/10. Remove nestbox on Sun 12/14.

Eventually this might be a nice calendar view and have push notifications, who knows! Right now the entire thing is plain text.

You can play with it at:

It’s wide open and public, so don’t enter anything sensitive. Also don’t expect anything you enter to stay there permanently.

(If you’re interested, the code lives at .)

I’m interested to know what kind of data YOU keep track of, and what you do with it.

- Wendy
Kintraks, but the 4H pdfs from Colorado state are better than any thing I've seen so far.
I do some of those things, but not all, in Excel. I have one file that tracks breeding info (and has formulas so that once I enter in a breeding, the dates for palpation, test breeding, nest box provision, and expected kindling all pop up; then also has rebreeding and weaning date suggestions once I enter the actual kindling date), another for tracking feed purchases, and another that handles stats associated with slaughter day. So far it works well for me, but if I were really serious, I'd integrate it all into a real database like MySQL or Access or something.

I mostly handle the pedigree aspect with, but have paper backups of all my breeding stock so that I could go without the website, if need be.
I am trying to get Evans transferred over to this computer from my old one, but I don't remember it being very friendly for commercial use for some reason. I'd also like to see the CO State PDFs if possible. I honestly don't track for meat at all- I don't think I've figured out even 1 dress out %, but it is on my list because it could contribute some interesting data.