So, I quit smoking today

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You're right about some cardiovascular risk - I believe I've read there's still some slight risk of emphysema, though two doctors have told me they don't believe so. I think that actually would come from just inhaling the benign ingredients that carry the nicotine, not the nicotine itself.

Still SOOOOO much better than smoking cigarettes, and cheaper to boot!
I think the VG/PG are actually making the process of coughing up the gunk from quitting less painful. The vapour is somehow... lubricating. :D

Today was easier than yesterday, and if anyone had ever told me that quitting smoking could be more pleasant than the status quo, I would have laughed at them. For me at least, it's true though. Vape on! :vape:
Yes I know, hence I get Dekang ONLY and inspect each bottle to be sure it is authentic and factory sealed when I get it. I know some don't like Dekang flavors but, I like the DKTab, PallMal and Vanilla. If I want a treat in another flaor, I head to one of the two vapor shops 30 miles away to get it and, pay a good bit more for it there but, one has a rockin' peanut butter and, the other an awsome french pipe I like. (and the second one is where I get my Protanks and atomizer for them so, good enough reason to drop in now and again.

Do watch your fluid intake PG is a humectrant (it attracts water) so, it does tend to dehydrate you a bit. VG does too but not as bad.

As for public vaping, ask. Some places allow it when they ban smoking. I can vape at most of the places I frequent because I asked if it was okay BEFORE doing it. I don't bother if it's a place I won't spend more than a few minutes in but, I did ask at the restaurants and the movie theater (there okay only in back row so clouds don't bother other patrons)

The one place I don't go anymore is Starbucks - you can smoke analogs at the outside tables but, you can't vape out there, or anywhere on their property. That and a few other policies of theirs I disagree with got me to boycott them entirely.
My dad likes to chew tobacco, after so many years in fire fighting it is an energy boost for him. My brother is also a smoker, and he even has a Gandalf pipe he uses. My sister and her husband are smokers as well, so I guess you could say I am kind of surrounded by it. I am still not going to do it, though, just because I am aware of the negative effects.
Congratulations, MidnightCoder! :)

I know 6 people who switched from cigarettes to vaping and only one still smokes. My wife is one of those who quit by using the vapor. She still uses the high strength vapor, but she's not coughing as much and she no longer smells like stale cigarettes. She vapes in the house and it doesn't bother me.

Some of my co-workers vape at work and it's no problem here either. The cities around here have banned it indoors for some reason, but I think it's out of ignorance and the demonization of nicotine. I'd like to see governments encourage vaping as a substitute for tobacco, but they seem to want to regulate and tax it as if it was tobacco. I really hope they wake up and see what good vaping has done.

I quit smoking about 8 1/2 years ago the hard way. Let me tell you, I'll never do that again. I'm sure it would have been easier if vaping was around back then. I'm happy that it's here now. :)

Good luck and stick to your guns!
I've converted all but one smoker I know that comes to my house. I actually bought the starter kits for them and, a month's supply of juice, that got them off stink sticks and, when they saw how much less it costs, they stayed quit. My stepson is a stubborn one "I can quit if I want to, I just don't feel like quitting." Oh well I tried, the other 5 quit just fine. :)
Good luck MidnightCoder ....

I've smoked for 30+ years and I hate the way it makes me feel. I quit once for 3 years .... I'm intent on quitting for good but damn its difficult.
Try vaping and, be patient with you. Some hit the right hardware and, right juice right off the bat, for others it takes some trial and error to get it right but, I promise, when you do, you won't look back, quitting analogs will be one of the easiest things you've ever done.

Yeah, I smoked for 31 years, 2.5 packs a day at the end, took me three tries over two weeks to hit the right setup for me and, that was that, no withdrawls, no nic fits, nothing and, a week later, analogs tasted horrid, by a month in, they smells foul and, now I can smell a smoker 50 ft away, don't cough in the morning anymore, no yellow, ashy mess in my house, my car smells nice, none of my clthes have burn holes, there isn't a lighter in every nook around here, and I don't panic when I can't find a lighter (my charger for my e-cig is another matter LOL)

Hey, you can even make rabbit hide lanyards and covers for e-cigs, the vapor doesn't bother rabbits, and you can actually smell what they smell like. (Rabbits don't smell bad, they smell like green grass and fresh mowed hay. (well except that spraying buck but, he doesn't count LOL.
BlueMoods":1sfgyw7d said:
Hey, you can even make rabbit hide lanyards and covers for e-cigs, the vapor doesn't bother rabbits, and you can actually smell what they smell like. (Rabbits don't smell bad, they smell like green grass and fresh mowed hay. (well except that spraying buck but, he doesn't count LOL.
that is so true..
I'm not sure that I will quit smoking but I did start vaping tonight. My cousin owns an online vaping company and I bought my first setup from him tonight. It's been about 5 hours and I don't care to have a cig. So maybe this might keep me off them. I quit them for a few years but started back with a new [position at work with more responsibility. Anyway good luck to all y'all in putting those damn things down.
Cool, it helps to have someone that knows the gear and, knows you to recommend things you might like.
MOSSY NUT":3t3u5137 said:
I'm not sure that I will quit smoking but I did start vaping tonight. My cousin owns an online vaping company and I bought my first setup from him tonight. It's been about 5 hours and I don't care to have a cig. So maybe this might keep me off them. I quit them for a few years but started back with a new [position at work with more responsibility. Anyway good luck to all y'all in putting those damn things down.
Congratulations on taking the first step! :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1:
MOSSY NUT":gshkty4i said:
I'm not sure that I will quit smoking but I did start vaping tonight. My cousin owns an online vaping company and I bought my first setup from him tonight. It's been about 5 hours and I don't care to have a cig. So maybe this might keep me off them. I quit them for a few years but started back with a new [position at work with more responsibility. Anyway good luck to all y'all in putting those damn things down.

That's awesome! Good going taking this step, I really hope it works as well for you as it is for me. I'm finding that I'm not even thinking about cigarettes anymore, and it's only been 10 days.

What strength of juice are you trying? My initial choice of 24mg/ml was definitely a mistake in hindsight. I subsequently got some 18mg/ml juice and it's also too strong. I'm currently waiting for some 6mg/ml in the same flavours so I can dilute what I already have without wiping out the flavour. I have a feeling that I'll settle out in the 9-12mg/ml range for awhile, just a lot sooner than I expected.

Regarding work, just wait til you discover the joy of stealth vaping in the workplace. :mrgreen: :lol:

Best of luck with it. :vape:

BlueMoods":gshkty4i said:
Hey, you can even make rabbit hide lanyards and covers for e-cigs

Someone needs to do this!!! :p

Those would sell very well I think. There are not nearly enough options for EVOD type batteries. Most of the lanyards have the metal ring for the eGo battery, which is narrower than the EVODs and has the button in a different position.
Good reminder, I will have to do some for EVODs too, already planning for EGO and Provari. I might a well do some iTaste ones while I'm at it. I know people that have all of the above so, I can get the sizes right. If I can't get metal rings that fit, we just butchered a cow yesterday so, I have that heavy hide to make rawhide rings from if I need it.

OT Funny: Step son lives here, he told his co workers last night (he works night shift) that he couldn't get a bathe before work because there was a cow in the bathtub. LOL Well true, we had the quarters iced down in the tub until we could get them cut up but, it just sound's funny to tell someone "Sorry, I couldn't take a bath because there was a cow in my tub." :D
Stealth vaping :lol: He went to a trade show and passed out almost all of his juice so I'm waiting for him to get more in. He gave me 18mg. but as sonn as he gets his shipment in I'm gonna go down to 12mg. So far this stuff is great I don't think about cigs at all. He just got one that is all wood with a huge glass bowl and a blown glass mouth piece. Hopefully this will get big enough that someone will make a kit like pens so I can turn my own on my lath.
LOL, do a search for e-cig mods and DIY e-cigs. I'm sure you can build and probably sell your very own "Mossy's Pen Mod." Look at the flashlight mods for the basics of how to go with something you turn on your lathe. Hey get them working right in VV and, I'll buy one. :)
MOSSY NUT":qhcqoa8r said:
So far this stuff is great I don't think about cigs at all.

It's really like magic isn't it? I'm still almost in disbelief that I'm finally free of the damned things. I'm not ashamed to admit that one or two happy tears have escaped. Finally, something that works without having to be miserable.

If you like wood mods, check these gorgeous (and expensive) things out: ... 7&Itemid=3

You certainly could make a wood pen mod, but you would probably want to insert a steel sleeve just in case. Batteries can fail, sometimes quite dramatically (especially in mech mods), and just wood might be something of a fire hazard, or at least it might be severely disfigured by a failed battery.