Sister lost her 21yo son Friday

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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Please pray for my sis, Shawna...she found her 21 year old son dead in his bed Friday morning. Funeral is this weekend, waiting on coroner to release his body. We are all in shock.
Thanks really means alot to me. The funeral is this weekend and I have been asked to sing. Hope I can get thru it....
Im so very sorry to learn your sister has lost a son, and you have lost a nephew. Seems so tragic to die so young. I wish you & your family all the strength you can muster to get through this difficult time. Sending positive thoughts your way.
How truly sad. :( I am so sorry for your sisters loss! Sending prayers for the family.
Shannon, I am so sorry to hear this. It is even more heartwrenching when it is a young person. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Extend to your sister my deepest sympathies. God takes the young ones sometimes because he needs new warrior angels. My prayers go out to your sister and loved ones.

I know this is an old thread, but I was in the middle of school and moving, so didn't see it at the time. I'm so sorry this happened! How are your sister and her family doing now, Shannon?
So sorry to hear of this, Sistah! I know this happened last May, but I am sure your family still feels the loss very keenly. I can't imagine losing a child. I hope that your family has found peace.

Btw... my brother's wife is named Shawna. :shock:
Well, it has been a year now since we lost Josh. Things are better, but my sister is still obviously hurting. I know that it will take time for the pain to subside and we all just keep praying for her and our family to get thru this with God's help. I appreciate all the prayers and thoughts.