Sick baby

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Active member
Sep 30, 2013
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United States--Colorado
I have four week old New Zealand red kits. One of them has had very low energy (handles too easily without trying to run) and crusty eyes. Any ideas about what might be wrong or what I should do? Ive been trying to keep the eyes open with warm water compress but it doesnt seem to be getting better. I dont want the rest of the litter or the does to get sick too but it has already been a day or two. Any ideas or thoufhts would be helpful.
not trying to sound harsh, but for the sake of the sick bun and the rest of the litter... I'd kill that kit. Four weeks old and still with crusty eyes and is lethargic...that's a kit who is not feeling well.
I'd probably do the same as Ladysown. If you can't bring yourself to euthanize it without "giving it a chance", at least separate it from the others and practice strict quarantine procedures. Care for it last and be sure to wash well and change clothing afterwards. You don't want to carry the problem back to the other rabbits.
I'm confused - are you saying you have a four week old kit, or are you saying that you have four kits that are a week old? Your OP reads "I have four week old New Zealand red kits", which seems to indicate that you have four kits who are all one week old… in which case, the eyes shouldn't be open yet? I'm new to rabbits, but I thought that they don't open their eyes until 10-12 days old? Sorry if I'm getting this wrong, I'd just hate to see a rabbit culled when it's really not supposed to open it's eyes for another few days.
I had eight four-week-old kits. Now seven. Thanks for the thoughts and help. We had someone watching them for us for the weekend and it died before we got home to euthenize. The others seem ok so far. For which i am thankful. Hate to have the whole colony wiped out.
ah, saved you from having to do the deed then. That's good. :) Then you know you would have made the right decision.
Sorry for my confusion! That is good that things happened naturally, though still sad to lose a baby, I'm sure. I hope that the rest stay healthy and fit!