Show me your barns! :)

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jul 15, 2013
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Hey guys!

Long time no check in, I’ll remedy that in another post. :) For now, lets just leave it at the last couple years has been interesting and many changes have been made in the herd. The biggest change though, is that we’re moving! Well, we still have to make it through the inspection and appraisal process, but contracts are in place and we’re starting to pack.

The place we are going to buy has a two car -car port that I will be turning into my rabbit barn. I still have to measure dimensions when we go make our inspection, but I believe it’s about 20x20, give or take. Right now it’s literally a roof and some slat board walls. While this works for the short run, the new place is a cabin in the woods in prime bear and cougar territory, and it won’t take them long to find out how to access a quick snack.

So, show me your barns! I have a few ideas in mind but it obviously has to be a good combination of open for ventilation and predator proof so my floofs don’t become dinner. What do all of you have?


Here is ours. Single car carport. Seven breeders and two large grow out cages. Two ceiling fans for the heat. Almost all our supplies are also kept here except for the hay in the shed. It is surrounded by cattle panels attached to the posts with a large entry gate. The panels are removable in case we decide to move things around.
It's good to see you back around, PSFAngoras! :D
(I haven't forgotten about that Etsy review I still owe you, promise!)

Our current set-up wouldn't be very useful to you, as it's basically two stacks of cages with a roof overhead, but it's set in a fenced-in portion of the yard, with another 6-ft privacy fence around the rest of our property. There aren't any big "predators" coming through here (not to mention we're fairly urban).

That said, I saw some gorgeous carport conversions into horse stalls a while back that would be pretty predator-proof. It basically involved closing up all exposed sides with wood and then building out the stalls inside. By that same principle, though, you could convert a carport into an open barn for your rabbit set-up. Here's a link, just to show you kind of what I'm talking about at least:

See ya 'round! :)
Show you my WHAT!? :p

Glad you're finally getting the place you two want!


I'll take a picture or two tomorrow when I'm cleaning and post them for ya. ;)
Sorry I didn't get you pictures yesterday. Came down with the cold that's going around and knocked me right in the dirt.
I'll try again today. Must clean hutches Must clean hutches ...

My "barn" is just a lean to roof on the south side of our garage.

Handbuilt cages by yours truly, up top is 4 hole 24x24x18, bottom is 5 hole 24x30x24. Lemme tell you I learned my lesson, with small rabbits do not go deeper than 24" because now I have to crawl inside so my arms reach to the back to get 3 week old kits.


Tarps go up if it's freezing and windy, or when it's warm they get a shade tarp and fans. 6 adults about to be 7, bucks and growouts go up top, does are on the bottom. Rasing Holland Lops, the litters aren't that big and I'm breeding for colors/pets. I also have been breeding in pairs so only two litters of growouts at a time.


They love their lounging shelves...

I am cleaning today, don't look at that mess underneath the girls...

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