Seeking good thoughts/prayers

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2012
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Let me tell you about a woman I know. She is a marvel. She is strong- passing the state firefighter certification while in her 40s, and then serving as a volunteer firefighter and first responder for years. She is very creative- her gardens have been featured on TV many times (and every bit of it done with her two hands). She is determined- she was back to playing golf three weeks after spinal surgery. When things are rough for a friend she doesn't ask, "what can I do?", she just does the right, needed thing. She can't keep a secret to save her soul, but she loves big.

This amazing woman is my mother. She is 72 now, and more active than most people half her age. She has a serious heart condition and was scheduled for a complicated surgery next month in a last ditch effort to try and keep her heart in rhythm. This morning she suffered a stroke.

My dad and our whole family are dizzy. Besides the effects of the " mild" stroke, this has thrown a wrench into the heart surgery schedule and her outlook for recovery.

If you can spare a minute, please send healing thoughts and prayers for my mom. A few for my dad would be appreciated as well. He is lost at the moment. Heartfelt thanks to you for reading this. My mom would send you a huge hug.
Oh honey, I'm praying now. I'm so sorry for you, your mom and your family. I lost my mom in 2011, so I understand the kind of feelings you are having. Big hugs.
Sending strength, endurance, and courage for your mom and dad, and you too. I am very sorry your family is going through this.
Hugs to you--I have prayed for her, your father, and you as well. My father had a mild stroke this year, and against the odds recovered very quickly, with only a hint that anything had ever happened. I am hoping your incredible mother has his luck and will be able to have the heart surgery. In the meantime, I pray for strength for your whole family.
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. As of this morning, my mom has difficulty speaking, right side weakness, and some vision and hearing issues. She is improving, but slowly.

If anyone is interested, the heart procedure she needs is a "five box maze procedure". Sorry, I am not sure how to add a link.
I have her and your family on my prayer list:). I am sorry to hear you all have to go thru this and don't have any cliche phrases or prophetic words, but just know that you aren't alone!
Y'all are in my prayers, too. :)

After a quick look at the five box maze procedure, I think it's very much like the procedure described to my mom by her cardiologist last year. That procedure would not have cured her incorrect electrical impulses, but would have confined them -- they'd locate where they were and surround them with scar tissue so they couldn't escape and impact the operation of her heart.

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