Rolled oates--Fill me in pros and Cons

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2013
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new england
Hi ya'll

So today while I was at the Natural Produce Market I spotted a 4lb bag or "organic' Steam rolled Oates (not instant) for 4.00 :mrgreen: And Ive heard you guys mention this rolled oats, here and there, and in between...... So I gave it to everyone today, My buck (who desperately needs a Gf) :twisted: My Momma doe who has a litter, My NZW doe who I actually believe DID get Preg this time, and my non bred spare doe BIG MOMMA...(and my chickens)It was A HUGE WIN ALL AROUND :runaround: ..My question is...Will it constipate the buns (they get MOSTLY clover and weeds all day,along with pears,carrots,bread,endive) I "free feed" pellets if you can call it that, but really they are too satisfied with all the other goodies I give them to touch their pellets, beyond a mere nibble here and there. If its ok, Id like to feed my NZW doe who HAD a wet bottom (which cleared up after I just fed her grass, grass hay, and bread for a few days) these rolled oats a little more than the others, so when she kindles shell be well fed and has good strength, I barely see her eat her pellets, she LOVES a slice of bread a day, and shell eat some greens here and there, Im actually shocked that shes chubby? even more so before being bred :lol: ... AND is it ok for my other kits...How about any effect of milk production anyone has experienced?

Thank you all SO much in advance for your input, It is Greatly appreciated :)<br /><br />__________ Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:02 pm __________<br /><br />Aldo
I often give the members of my herd,
rolled oats as an additive/treat.
Oats will help to put flesh on when needed,
it along with black oil sunflower seeds are
used to bring out thew best in a particular rabbit.
Any additive the the feed regimen should be done
with attention to it's effects on the Rabbit.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Im tryin to give her extra these next couple of days, then hold back a couple of days before she kindles, then after continue.... lol :)
I gave Holly lots of rolled oats everyday and her babies were SO healthy. Her kits are now very big and healthy (I mean huge compared to others who were not fed oats) and their fur is super soft and shiny. I buy a huge bag of horse oats (crimped or not, doesn't matter - they eat them.) and a big bag of BOSS for bird feeding, then I buy a big bag of rabbit pellets and mix. That saves me a lot of money, because if it is just pellets, they burn through it... like oats... :p

So, I would most certainly recommend oats.

Also, for my doe who had runny poo, I gave her oats and pumpkin and it cleared it up. (if I remember correctly). I feed more sweet stuff (fruits, veggies, honey, etc.) than most, but my buns are very big and healthy because of it, I believe. I also give the rabbits pumpkin/oregano treats everyday now... they LOVE them.
I only give oats if they really need it for diarrhea, and so far none of my buns have had the runs, so they don't get any. My pellets already have oats mixed in, and I try to not feed my buns any grains, so I don't see the need to add any more to their diet. ( the only food here without grain in it costs 25$ a bag, a bit pricey when I feed as much as I do...) Angoras can really pack on the pounds, and I don't want to lower their conception/kindling rates, as well as I'm a bit of a health food nut, and I know that grain fed animals contain more omega 6 versus omega 3 fatty acids, and I do eat my culls so I want them to be healthy. so no grain if possible. My buns get BOSS if they need to add weight or for a treat.

Also, I have a friend who gives oats as a treat. Her SF doe is currently ( and this is a guess on the low side) about 15 pounds. I just don't see the benefit personally.
All of our rabbits get a pinch of oats each evening. They love them!! They get so excited at oat time. LOL I've not had issues with constipation or excessive weight gain. I will say though, that $4 for 4 pounds is waaay too expensive! I bought 50 lbs of steam rolled oats for about $18 at my feed mill. It lasts forever since they only get a little each day.
Flemishstar":35n8i536 said:
BOSS isnt a big hit over here? no idea why./././././././././.

Try sprouting the BOSS and see how that changes their minds!

__________ Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:12 am __________

Frecs":35n8i536 said:
Flemishstar":35n8i536 said:
BOSS isnt a big hit over here? no idea why./././././././././.

Try sprouting the BOSS and see how that changes their minds!

I only used the rolled oats if someone has loose poop--which rarely happens. Otherwise, I add livestock grade oats (aka horse oats, minus molasses) to the sprouting mix I use (wheat/oats/BOSS/flaxseed). They love their sprouts! In fact, I had a delay in receiving the last order of grains from the mill and my bunnies are suffering without their sprouts for a few days until I can get a batch to the 3 day mark again...and boy are they cranky about it!!!

None of my rabbits are chubby from the sprouts. I'd suspect the bread as the "chubby making" source....
Oats are great. I'd feed them more often if they weren't too expensive for me to bother too feed. And the protein is lower than pellets, which is probably not a big concern to you if you are already feeding a more natural diet.
^They eat it soft, he never toasts it.

Sorry, since I already knew the answer I firgured I would say.

Right Aldo?