return to forum after stunning rabbit seisure in INDY

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*waves to Owlsfriend*

What a terrible situation. We have talked about it here.
I'm so sorry that happened so close to home. How very scary- the entire rabbit community must be on tenterhooks, wondering where the axe will fall next. :(

You are among friends here!

:welcome: back!
Welcome back! Yes I was horrified by the situation, how the ARs handled it, and how unfairly treated Rick was. Terrible!!! IMO they stole those rabbits, they didn't "seize" them. :(
"The Cavalry Group is building a national network of attorneys that are specifically versed in animal ownership and animal welfare issues in additional to providing expertise in defending our members constitutional rights. Your membership benefits provide you access to these independent attorneys and includes payment of legal costs associated with engaging these attorneys to represent you in your defense of your constitutional rights as they relate to animal ownership or your animal related business....

We advocate on the legal front by not only impacting legislation at all levels, but by working to ensure our members' constitutional rights associated with animal ownership and animal related businesses. We provide preventative advice, intervention and if necessary will provide access to an expertly prepared attorney and will fund your defense against illegal search and seizure of private property and violations of due process as guaranteed in the 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America....

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We are actively on the front lines of this fight. Our Executive Team is made up of seasoned professionals who are actively running successful campaigns and public relations efforts to support animal owners and businesses nationwide, while at the same time exposing the “TRUTH” about animal rights extremists and over reaching government agencies. We are taking the fight to the enemy on all fronts.
We are the only company offering access to experienced prepared attorneys to our members with The Cavalry Group prepared to fund their defense. When animal rights extremists arrive at your doorstep, we are ready with expert legal representation that specifically understands animal ownership, animal welfare laws, and constitutional law. Our legal team is headed by pioneers in this fight, and brings with it over 200 years collectively of specific experience in animal law, private property rights, environmental law, zoning & land use planning, and constitutional law at the state and federal levels."
Im so sorry about what happened...I would be mortified if it were me....That is not right...they stole his rabbits IMO also...and how horrible to do it while he wasnt even there...I bet they dont even know how to hold the animals correctly in order to transport did they transport the moms with their my eyes they did more harm then good....not even half ALL of them??? Id be in jail cause i would off flew off the handle (been there dont that once) lol....When it comes to pompus arrogant cops I turn crazy, and get a big mouth...Since most of the cops in my town i went to highschhol with (i know all of their dirty secrets) let me tell you they are NO were near angels
Oh yes, the Save Pacific NW Farmers group is following this, as well. This is downright upsetting all around. What makers it worse, if we push to make rabbits strictly 'livestock' city folk can't raise them, push as 'companions' or 'pets', then livestock laws can't protect us, either--All of us are between the proverbial "rock and a hard place"- navigating in a sea of AR idiots and ignorant do-gooders. Everyone ehre needs to find out if they live in a 'right to farm' state. And a friend did warn me-- from her own familys experience, IF a breeder/farmer/raiser keeps the Animals in BETTER than what the AWA requires, and the USDA steps in, they will be told to comply with AWA standards, which to some of us, are pretty cramped when it comes to raising and housing our rabbits....
One of the biggest lessons many of us have taken away from the Indy situation is "Know Your State and local laws! Especially the Zoning and Land use laws. 'em or not...Abide by them. ( nd work like heck to change them if possible)

There is Not much help that can be given legally... if one is breaking the law. Sad but true !
Random Rabbit":2b5mq716 said:
One of the biggest lessons many of us have taken away from the Indy situation is "Know Your State and local laws! Especially the Zoning and Land use laws. 'em or not...Abide by them. ( nd work like heck to change them if possible)

There is Not much help that can be given legally... if one is breaking the law. Sad but true !

I'm confused by this. I thought AC said he was zoned to have that many rabbits? Did that change at some point?

Hi Owlsfriend, glad you are back. :)
There was nothing stated in the zoning as to How Many rabbits could be on a property. To CYA... the local govt is now setting limits on "Pets"...If he was calling the rabbits Livestock... they might be able to say that zoning does not permit livestock...only pets.
There was also a big issue with a building on the property ( put there Before R was ever there) that did not meet the building codes. The city is now going after the landowner for That. ( tho How they can do that when it building was There when the property was Purchased...i do not know ! )

I just wanted to make a Lesson Learned point that Everyone needs to know their state and Local zoning and regulations. So that they can abide within those limits and be Legal. The law will not help someone who is Breaking the law. Clean Hands Doctrine.
Frosted Rabbits":2kixqy0o said:
IF a breeder/farmer/raiser keeps the Animals in BETTER than what the AWA requires, and the USDA steps in, they will be told to comply with AWA standards, which to some of us, are pretty cramped when it comes to raising and housing our rabbits....
Yup this is what is happening to dog breeders now. ARs are pushing that every breeder be USDA but to be USDA you can't have your dogs live in the house...any of them...ever.
Random Rabbit":1ampugwh said:
There was nothing stated in the zoning as to How Many rabbits could be on a property. To CYA... the local govt is now setting limits on "Pets"...If he was calling the rabbits Livestock... they might be able to say that zoning does not permit livestock...only pets.
^^ this ^^

When pets are involved, AC gets to call the shots. Pets are a privilege and there's almost no protection.

It's also hard to claim an animal is a "pet" when it's being kept as livestock.

My only real problem with Rick's case was he wasn't given a final timeline. "7 days or they're gone".
There is no limit on the number of pets one is allowed in Indy....(there is also no licensing in the city). Rick's situation was not started by AR people frothing at the mouth, but because a neighbor complained of the smell. Supposedly the first complaint genrated an IACC visit in which he was given "a month" to make improvements. It would seem that there was no stipulation of what improvements were to be made or exactly when.

From the looks of it, he just purchased a large fan and that was it. That would be consistant with the smell complaint being the issue....get rid of the amonia smell, all's forgiven--right? Initially, there was no issue with his caging, or over crouwding, or he would have addressed it.

Again, I find myself getting upset with this whole situation, which I can do nothing to remedy. Kim
The entire situation actually makes me nauseous ! The glee of the hr people over taking someone's animals was sickening .

There is one tiny point of light that is starting to come out of this... a FB page "I Do NOT Need to be Rescued" is starting to get some exposure. There are some neat wall posters there.