Rabbitry statistics

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Oct 6, 2013
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northwest PA
Fjhmom posted some rabbitry stats on another thread. It looked like fun, so I figured I'd start a thread, for anyone who might also want to post their stats.

I hope she doesn't mind me quoting her post here. (Please tell me if you do)

I just pulled up my stats on my record program, in case you were curious:
Breedings: 47
Litters: 33
Births: 99
Weaned: 32

Out of those 32, we have 12 we have kept as show quality, and a handful that have been kept as brood does.

I've been playing with the Hutch app, which provides some stats for me too. I'm not entirely sure I have included all the litters I've had since starting into harlequins, so it might change, but right now, my recorded stats for harlequin litters are:

Breedings: Unknown. So far, every litter I have recorded on Hutch came from a doe who took the first time and every time.
I did have two doelings who failed to conceive repeatedly, and were thus eaten. I suspect body fat. I didn't record them as breeders, since I didn't have the software when I working with them.

Litters: 9
Kits born: 87
Weaned: 73 A few were culls due to oversized litters. I'm using weaned as survived-long-enough-to-breed-or-sell. There were a few losses after technical weaning that I factored in.

Average weaned per litter: 8.11
Survival rate: 83.9%
Average butchering age: 11 or 12 weeks
Out of all of those kits, I have 2 that have been retained for show. :p
I'll play on this one..... I had my first litter of rabbits in Nov 2014. I use Globalpedigree to keep track. I had to go back and enter weaned # on a few of those litters I think I got them all right but I might be off a couple. I also am not including failed litters from summer sterility. I will include the one litter I lost because the dam didn't pull fur. Most of my rabbits are mutts but I'm slowing working over to standard rex. I finally got some good stock so we'll see how things go when I start breeding this fall. My weaning rate is the number that were actually weaned from the doe. I did have a few (maybe 10 total), that I culled for various reasons after they were weaned and didn't track because I didn't consider it the does fault.

Litters: 30
Litters totally lost: 1
Kits Born: 255
Weaned: 221
Survival Rate: 87%
Average weaned per litter: 7.4
Average butcher time: 12-16 weeks (I got lazy and let a few litters go long)

I have not retained any for show (I have mostly mutts). I have retained quite a few for my own use but tend to cull adults quickly as soon as I have a replacement that is better.
Mine are simple since i just started in Feb..

Breedings: 2
Litters: 2
Births: 18
Weaned: 16

None eaten trying to prepare myself for the killing process. :lol:
Since I began with New Zealand's:

Breedings 16
Litters 16
Kits born 137
Kits lost 13 (none since bringing in nestboxes)
Survival rate 90.5%
Average weaned kits per litter 7.75
Kits by sex 57% does 43% bucks
Average butcher age 11 weeks
Holland Lops:)

Total Live and lived til weaned-29
Born DOA and Stretched-3

I do not keep track of total number of breedings or genders yet, but would love to know what apps people are using. It it getting to a point where I am no longer going to be able to go off of my memory as our numbers jump higher!
Great topic, Zass! Thanks for starting it! Interesting to see what the outcomes are in other rabbitries.

We use Evans software to track our data. I really like what all it can do. I like the looks of Hutch but haven't played with it much yet.

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