Pure NZ Popples!!

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Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta
Hey Peeps :D

a few weeks ago, the breeder i got my breeding pair from lent me a preggo Doe to practice care for her and her kits, and Monday night/Tuesday morning she kindled.

i think all the kits look great but i am ever eager for multiple opinions, the pics are not the best as they were shot on my potato :lol:

the most difficult part is counting the squirmy little buggers, in the pics i have counted a max of 9 kits for this litter, but i could be wrong lol.


How cute! I see 9 too. I would take the time to go through the nest, counting the little ones and making sure there are no dead kits, and making sure the nest is clean and dry.

Just keep an eye on them each day- make sure their bellies look full and none find their way out of the nest box until it's time. I replace all the nest material once the kits open their eyes. I know some people remove the nest box at that point, especially with the summer heat, but I leave mine, I just turn it on its side so the kits can get in and out.
soo cute, they look super healthy but don't be freaked out if you lose one, like i was haha
Nice litter of kits!

That sure was nice of the breeder to let you borrow her for "practice"! :)

But... how are you going to explain returning a bald pink rabbit to them? :? Surely with all the fur in that nest she is more naked than her popples! :roll:
yeah that is a monster nest, don't be shocked if next time there is no fur nest or the fur nest is in one spot but the babies are in another or the fur nest has two in it so you record that then find 11 more in a hidden fur-less nest, these all happened to me . <br /><br /> -- Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:22 am -- <br /><br />
Marinea":24kyeozy said:
How cute! I see 9 too. I would take the time to go through the nest, counting the little ones and making sure there are no dead kits, and making sure the nest is clean and dry.

Just keep an eye on them each day- make sure their bellies look full and none find their way out of the nest box until it's time. I replace all the nest material once the kits open their eyes. I know some people remove the nest box at that point, especially with the summer heat, but I leave mine, I just turn it on its side so the kits can get in and out.

good tip! i was wondering when i can change the nest box material.
Nice looking kits, she definitely pulled enough fur!

Brus":3dmsr3vl said:
i think all the kits look great but i am ever eager for multiple opinions, the pics are not the best as they were shot on my potato :lol:

Sorry but I laughed so hard at this :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks JessicaR.

After being exposed to a "serious camera" i cant help but refer to my "little" 8MP as a potato. :lol: :lol:

With that said, here are some updated photos of the little ones from yesterday, again fresh from the potato.
I counted all the little ones individually, and i have 10 popples!!



I would love to take credit, but "Big momma" is such a good mommy to these buns.

Here is a pic of the happy mommy eating her pellets and BOSS mix, she has a great appetite and is drinking lots!!

Here are some updated photos :D :D :D

Popples at 2 weeks, all are gorwing very well and "big momma's" condition is great!!




the hardest part is going to be to convince my GF and stepdaughter that these little ones are going back to the breeder that owns them!!

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