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Devon's Mom Lauren

Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
North Simcoe Ontario
A week ago I was told about a stray Res Dog by my work supervisors partner (he does electrical work on the Island). He spoke very fondly of her and was afraid she wasn't going to make the winter because she was very skinny. Already having 5 dogs he just couldn't take in another so I said I would take her, fix her up, train her some and find her a home.

On Monday I received a phone call that this dog had 4 puppies with her did I still want to take her. Of course I said yes. Starving mama dog and her starving puppies? Not to mention they were at risk to be shot by the weekend for being a nuisance. Of course I would take them. They arrived on Tuesday. Skinny, bloated with worms, and very very itchy.

This is mama, we named her Feather:

The female "Sage"

Male 1 "Beausoleil"

Male 2 "Emery"

Male 3 "Flash"
Bless you for taking these needy dogs in, esp. with winter coming on. I'm glad you have the space, both in your house and your heart, for them. They're all very cute! The mom looks trusting; I wonder what her story is? The puppies look like they've been living almost the whole time in the outdoors, poor things. :(
Awww they are so sweet! Thank you so much for taking them in and caring for them! I'm so glad you did! They are really cute and I can tell are really sweet but that Flash has such an expressive face! He's my favorite of the group. LOL Give them all an extra hug for me! :)
DogCatMom":21xsbagg said:
Bless you for taking these needy dogs in, esp. with winter coming on. I'm glad you have the space, both in your house and your heart, for them. They're all very cute! The mom looks trusting; I wonder what her story is? The puppies look like they've been living almost the whole time in the outdoors, poor things. :(

I know most of mums story because Joe had gone and talked to the original owner to make sure it was alright with them if he removed the dog and it's actually a fascinating yet sad one. The original owner decided shortly after getting her as a puppy they could not afford to feed her so they let her loose outside (a common practice on the Island). They never fed her, they would kick her and hit her to try and make her go away but she never left, well she did to find food but she always returned to that house. Her first heat cycle they decided to try and prevent her from being bred by sticking her in a crate (outside) and she ended up being dragged off crate and all by stray male dogs (there really is a massive stray dog problem there). She had dug a little den unfortunately right beside a road and they all died so she came back into heat earlier than normal and again used the same den for her puppies. We know she had 8 this time around, someone took one puppy and 3 died on the road leaving the four I got, we also know that had I not taken them they would have been shot this weekend because the owner has had enough of Feather hanging around with her puppies.

When they arrived I fed the puppies and mama instead of eating she brought her food over to her puppies and fed them instead despite the fact she was clearly starving. Watching her discover what play is and how things work is amazing because she just lights up. She's a very smart dog.

Where this story gets fascinating is that last year I was supposed to get a puppy off the Island however when Joe went to get her he couldn't find her anywhere, so I ended up going to a breeder and getting Siren instead. Feather was the puppy I was supposed to get last year. Had I gotten her then I never would have bought Siren.
Just looking at Feather's eyes tells you how much she has been through.

Bless you for taking her and her wee ones in and giving them a home.
What a story. Definately a tear jerker! I'm so glad you have her and the babies now and Siren. It is interesting how things work out sometimes. :)
Feather looks so confident now, almost majestic. Good job! How fortunate you had a place for them.