Pray for me (and my sons dog)

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
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Little sony-2010-13 1110.JPG
She ran off, I wasn't paying attention, thought she was out, then when she got out, thought she was in.. when I was moving the baby chicks (6 weekers) out to the run to see how the hen would do with them... went looking for Ruffles then in ever widening circles...
No luck, though maybe she would come back... nada

Put signs up, posted craigs list, did the online report with the local animal control
she'd a friendly idiot, some teenage girl probably grabbed her, and she did have her tags cause she always takes them off
Thank you, my son stayed over with a friend yesterday, really not looking forward to him getting home, and having to tell him.
I hope you find her or she shows up. I would stop at neighbors houses, let them know. If neighbors know and they see her they will be more likely to try to lure her to them and then call you rather then just making note of a dog passing by.

Call your local AC, tell them how your son is super attached. ACs many times don't know breeds so be sure to forward that picture and then call everyday.

My moms cat escaped years ago and it turned out the ac had the cat for 3 days, even though she had a report of her missing cat in their office the whole time. WHen she stopped in, that is when they said they had a cat but it didn't match hers, except it was her cat. :)

Sending good thoughts and prayers she comes home!
I've put up signs, I posted online and print adds...
and I haven't walked, I know it's kinda chicken but I wanted the boys with me, I'm pretty sure someone who doesn't care about the signs etc will lie to my face, try that to my boys.
Thank you, we found her, a neighbor the next street down, who's a vet tech had her, she had eaten a 'significant' amount of plastic, and rolled in 'something' oily (there are 2 garages close) so she had taken her to work for a vet to check out. Adri is very happy to have his puppy back

What a great neighbor you have, so glad she was found and is ok!