Post on for me please?

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Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hi All,

I registered as MNBobcat on I never received the activation email. I have since emailed the site administrator 4 times and have been completely ignored.

I'd appreciate it if one of you could post a message on that forum asking the admin to activate my account so that I can use the forum. Maybe if the request is put on the forum, rather than via email, it will get some attention.

Thank you!
About 1 1/2 weeks ago. The forum is owned by someone in Panama. I knew it might take awhile to be activated. But not this long.
chuck is only in Panama for a week or so. He is a reporter (generally for military content) for CBN and FOXnews. So he's running around a lot. Generally does the HT stuff quickly tho.

My guess is that you got lost. I'll ask about it.

__________ Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:14 pm __________

MNbobcat, you've been found and activated. :)

__________ Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:23 am __________

So...I see you've been activated. Somehow you must have mistyped over told us you registered 1 1/2 weeks told them 35 days. seems there's a discrepancy there that you might want to make right. The mods there are VERY good people. They do a stellar job on a VERY large forum. They're currently getting over 500 account activation requests per day. Most are spam or bots. Takes time to check that out and make sure they're working with real people.

__________ Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:17 pm __________
just do you check if a bot or spam thing got an account vs a real person? that has always made me wonder...

oh, hey, we posted at the same time!
There are tests that can be applied during the registration. Did the mouse move? Was the keyboard used? How much time did it take to complete the registration? Did a hidden field in the registration form (which a human wouldn't see) contain data when it was submitted? Many things would become apparent if software was submitting the registration versus a human.

Then there are tricks like asking a question that would require a human to determine the answer.

The other thing that can be done is to simply add more moderators. If a spammer registers and begins to spam its easy to disable their account and delete all their messages (usually with a single click).

All of the above are better solutions than giving new members an unfavorable experience. Its much harder to get a new member to return than it is to keep them to begin with. :)
I was signed up quickly with them...never had an issue at all :shrug:

Wow, that is ALOT of options to check for fake people! I never knew there were so many different ways. That is pretty cool.