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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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My pony, Spot, is having a hard time beating an infection in his neck and shoulder area on the left side. I had the vet out for some routine maintenance, and he had to put him under. My normal vet is out on medical leave, so this was a new to me vet. By the next day he could barely walk, was completely not wanting to bend his neck, or bend to eat, and the neck was swelling. The vet came out the following day, and said he had fever starting, and the swelling was turning to infection. We treated him with Penicillin for the infection, and Bute for pain. I had to give him additional shots of Penicillin every other day, but today the swelling is even greater than before, and he's sore again so we need to continue and hope the Bute and Penicillin kick in.

I don't understand what happened? He's been put under before, several times, and has NEVER reacted, not even a slight little bit!
Awww bless your heart and Spot's too! Sending thoughts and prayers your way. I hope he feels better soon!
Awe, thank you very much! Headed to the vet to pick up more Bute, and figure out the game plan. He's getting so swollen where he's getting the Penicillin shots now too.
Thank you! :) He had another dose of Penicillin last night, and the Bute has taken away the pain. I'm glad to see the Bute is kicking the pain for him at least.
Thank you! :) The Bute seems to be working, and he's in less pain today. I think the injection site is actually starting to go down too!! Crossing fingers it keeps going down!!
Thank you, Maggie. :) Yes, it's my little spotted gelding. He's 39" of spotted "Appy-tude", and since he's been sick, he's been real quiet. I miss that spunk!

See his question mark? :lol:

Thank you, Marinea! :D He's 7 years old, and I've had him since he was 5 months old. Had him transported to WI from Michigan. Bought him for his spots, and fell in love with him for his personality.
Thank you, Flemishstar! :) He is as sweet as he is cute! He has a heart :love: on the other butt cheek, down closer to the tail.

I think it's time to call in another vet to get a second opinion. The current vet told me to stop with the Penicillin, it would take care of itself over the next couple days with the residual Pen that's in his system. I'm not trusting what he's saying anymore, I'm just not seeing anything I am feeling comfortable with. Today he is right back where he was 2 days ago. If I cut down the Bute dose like he told me to, without the higher dose, he's extremely sore, and the swelling in the original injection site is still fact, it's rock hard, and every time I touch it today, he gets an angry look on his face, and pulls completely away. It's still sore, and not improving. The Bute is just masking the symptoms! :(