Pink Eye in Rabbits??

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My guess is the rabbit has some sort of eye inflamation or discharge and they are calling it "pink eye" which is fine since "pink eye" is a general term for any eye disorders and is not a specific pathogen.

Antibiotics will only work for bacterial conjunctivitis /pink eye but without identifying what type of bacteria (or at least if it is a gram negative or a gram positive) they meds may not do anything and could make it worse :(

Another problem is that with rabbits their bacterial eye infections are often associated with respiratory infections and if that problem is not cleared up then their eyes will just keep getting re-infected
My rabbit had conjunctivitis. White discharge, red & swollen, hair loss around eye. I flushed with saline and gave over-the-counter human pink eye drops to her every day. It cleared up nicely, hair grew back, all was fine again. I am not saying this is the solution for the rabbit you are talking about. I am just sharing my experience :) Hope this helps.
I googled a response just to get back to him quickly and this is what I sent him:

You can use a simple saline solution (like for contact lenses) to clean the eyes without irratation.

Another thing is Terramycin ointment, this is an eye ointment used for treating things like pink-eye. It can be purchased at Tractor Supply and other farm type stores.

There's also Penicillan or Pen-G this is also available at Tractor Supply and most feed stores. With this you need to draw it out of the bottle with a needle and syringe, remove the needle and place 2-3 drops in the infected eye.

With any type of treatment you must treat it over the course of 1-2 weeks everyday 1-2 times a day.

If you're not confident in treating the rabbit yourself then a trip to the vet is for the better.

It was a yahoo answers response that I spaced out and made some minor edits to cut and paste to him, which now that I think about it, why didn't he google it? From what I understand he breeds meat rabbits too and he liked my page because he was looking for more stock.

Thank you both though! :D I'd like to get further information on home remedies for ailments though so if anyone else has experiences to share, please do.. I've had and bred rabbits for a couple years on and off, only since August or so, have I kept steady stock on hand like this and wanted to make something of it (an official rabbitry of sorts). Never have I had any rabbits that have gotten sick (to my knowledge), I have had poorly bred rabbits drop dead a day or so after bringing them home though. I don't have experiences with sick rabbits and I don't want to take a meat rabbit to the vet...cause that's a lot of cash, I'd imagine it's cheaper to home cure or cull if it comes down to it.
very true! I had a kit with nestbox eye. Swollen with a lot of discharge. I cleaned it with a used tea bag, and purposefully put an extra drop of the tea from the bag in the kit's only took one application, and it cleared up completely! I was amazed at how fast it healed.
There are many home remedies for irritated eyes. The text below was copied from this site: ... -remedies/

Eye Infection Natural Remedies

Eye infections are common and can affect individuals of any age and gender. Eye infection natural remedies work when most eye drops fail to produce effective results. Eye infection treatment largely depends on the causes of the infection. For instance, conjunctivitis, which is one of the most common eye infections, causes the eye to turn pink or red in color. For pink eye a warm eye bath is often considered effective. Individuals who suffer from recurrent stye infections can use a compress made with warm guava leaves.

Eye Infection Treatment with Honey

Most effective cure for eye infection is with honey, it works where medicated eye drops fail. Mix a drop of natural, raw and preferably organic honey to a teaspoon of rose water and use it as a natural eye infection drops.

Honey Eye Wash

Cold Eye Bath:

Add two tea spoons of raw honey to 3-4 cups of water and wash your eyes to get eye infection relief.

The cold eye bath is used to strengthen the eyes and to restore their natural expression and sparkle. Dip your face in a basin or sink of plain cold water, blink your eyes for about 5 seconds, and then lift your face completely out of the water. Wait a few moments, and then repeat the procedure three or four times.

Warm Eye Bath:

Temperature: 90 degrees – 96 degrees F.
DURATION: 5-10 seconds, repeated three or four times.
The warm eye bath is used to treat inflammation, conjunctivitís, pinkeye (such as that associated with measles),
eyestrain, puffy and itching eyes, sties, and small fatty tumors in the eyelash area.
This bath is used with herbal additives, particularly eyebright, elder leaves, chamomile, hyssop, or althea. Whichever you choose, brew it as a weak tea to be added to the water in the basin Add one cup (eight ounces) of the tea or more, depending on the size of the basin.
An eyecup can also be used, especially if only one eye is affected. Tinctures of the above herbs can conveniently be added to the warm water in the cup. The usual dose is fifteen to twenty drops, unless advised otherwise by a physician.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Bacterial Infections of Eyesapple cider vinegar natural remedy for acid reflux

To Fight Against Bacterial Infections of Eyes– Apple Cider Vinegar:

Mix 1 Tbsp pure apple cider vinegar with a cup of water. Use this mixture to wash your eyes by using a cotton ball. Use apple cider vinegar which contains “mother”. “Mother” is malic acid which fights against bacterial infections.

Coriander Tea Wash For Eye Infection

Take handful of freshly dried coriander and boil them in water. Strain the liquid with strainer and let it to cool. Wash the infected eye with this mixture or use it as a compress. This remedy helps to relieve burning as well as decrease the pain & swelling.

Warm Guava Leaves Compress For Eye Infection

Individuals who suffer from recurrent stye infections can use a compress made with warm guava leaves.

Fennel seeds

Boil some fennel seeds and let the water to cool. After that, strain the liquid and use that water to wash the infected eye twice a day. This will decrease pain, redness and inflammation.

Potato Slice for eye infection

Take a raw potato slice and put it on the affected eye. Use this remedy for three consecutive nights.


Combine 2 tsp turmeric powder and 1 cup boiled water. After that, use this mixture as a hot compress on the affected eye.


Boil 2 tsp calendula flower petals in 1 cup water and let the mixture to cool. Use this mixture as eyewash. You can also use this mixture as a hot compress, just soak a washcloth or cotton balls in it while it is warm and apply.

Aloe Vera Compress

Aloe vera to treat impetigo

Aloe Vera juice can be used as eyewash and as a compress. For compress, dip a cloth or cotton balls in the juice and put over the affected eye. For eyewash, combine ½ tsp juice in a cup of cooled, boiled water.

Indian Gooseberry

Mix the 1 cup Indian gooseberry juice with 2 tsp honey and drink this mixture 2 times a day.

Salt water compress

Take some salt and add it to boiling water. Dip cotton ball in the mixture and put it on the affected area. The salted solution is among the easiest yet one of the most helpful remedies for conjunctivitis.

Curry leaves for eye disorders

Eye disorders like cataract can be prevented using fresh juice of curry leaves. Fresh juice of curry leaves suffused in the eyes makes them look bright. It also prevents the early development of cataract.

Yogurt Poultice For Eye Infection

Yogurt is one of the beneficial home remedies for conjunctivitis. Just apply some yogurt poultice over the affected area of the eye.

Conjuctivitis coriander remedy

A decoction prepared from freshly dried coriander is an excellent eye-wash in conjuctivitis. lt relieves burning and reduces pain and swelling.

Other Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis:

You can use rose water as an eye drop.
Elderberry blossom tea can be used as eyewash.
Put 2 teabags of chamomile (moist) over the affected eye for 10 minute.
You can also use marigold and chamomile compress to treat conjunctivitis.
Lactating mothers can use breast milk over the affected area of the infants.
To treat conjunctivitis, just put a cold bread slice over the infected eye.

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