Overwhelmed ...is it just me

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I dont have many animals. I have 3 does and a grow out pen with 9 rabbits, and 25 chickens, and a cat lol, Its just I have a whole house to run myself also on top of work im 30 yrs old, I have 3 acres to maintain etc, Im gonna try to skip a feeding and make sure I feed them well on the other- and see what happens, Thanks for all the great suggestions

:) Aldo
You guys are great!!!
I think the early darkness coupled with the loss of your Grandma is what has you feeling overwhelmed, Aldo. ((Hugs))

Feeding the animals once a day will not hurt any of your animals, so that is a great idea. The chickens need to be fed in the morning, but the rabbits would be fine either morning or evening... so if you are not a morning person, maybe you could just throw the chickens some feed and take care of the rabbits at night. :)
Yes I believe your right, The chickens are easy, I fill up their trauf and go, they have a 30 gallon waterer so it gets emptied every other day or so, the rabbits are a whole other story (for me atleast) I spoil them so. The weather is still yielding me a bushel of clover I pick fresh daily for them, I also give them alfalfa hay, pears from my trees which I have about 12 bushels from this season, then I pick them some broccoli rabe leaves, then fill up their feeder with my pellet/rolled oat mixture, when they get the mixture they only get one of whatever i wrote above, Its picking their food fresh from my garden/yard daily thats a pain, I cant pick the rabe leave ahead of time cause they wilt, but the clover I can, they also get stale bread
I been using a hand basket lately to feed the bunnies.
The basket has the grains, and usually carrots cut up.
I put some hay in a bucket to carry around with me.
It was easy with only the 8 bunnies.
I have recently added a group of 19 more.
I think I am a rabbit magnet.
Tomorrow I am supposed to be getting 5 more.
I do have empty cages though. I did that part right :)
I do feed heavy in the morning, and late afternoon, just
before dark, I check them all and do what I have to do
either for feed or water.

The 60 chickens are a piece of cake.
Sounds like a good system, I had no prob all summer, but Working 50-60 hours weeks as a Rph is getting crazy thios time of year with all these Flu shot, etc, on top of filling over 600 rxs a day and dealing with mds, I sit maybe 20 min (accumulated) in a 9 or 10 hour shift, UGh But yes Chickens are mych easier, I believe that is the consencus? lol from what ive been reading