Our very first escape!

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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I've been waiting for this to happen, knowing my husband, and knowing it was bound to happen sooner than later. :lol: He called me this morning, and his first words were "promise me you won't yell!" :roll: He goes on to tell me that some "bone head moron" (him ;) ) left the door unlocked to one of the weanling cages last night, and little bunny foo foo figured out she could escape. Sometime during the night she jumped out, and has been hanging out under the cages since. He tried to catch her this morning, but couldn't, and he was late for work, so he set the live trap hoping to catch her. I'm about to go out, and check, but otherwise I'll wait for him to get home so both of us can corner her if need be. She's a fast little foo foo! :lol:
Do you have a fishing net on a pole. if you do just net it.. that may scare the rabbit but its better then getting eatin by prey of some sort.
She was patiently waiting for me to rescue her from the mean old scary live trap when I went out to the barn. :D It helps to keep a clean barn floor, and keep the feed and waste off the floor, because she was hungry enough to want the pellets in the trap. Opened the door to the trap, and she hopped right back in to her cage. She drank right away, and nibbled her pellets. All is back to normal. I did get a nice slice on my thumb from the trap door though! Didn't realize I had cut it until I reached for my cell phone to call hubby, and got blood all over the phone. :shock:
Thanks Maggie! Bleeding stopped, it's minor, and pretty far from the heart! I think I'll live. :lol:
LOL.........our minds think alike! :lol: Should be a good reason for a night off from horse chores and stall cleaning if you ask me! :mrgreen:
I mean really, just think what could happen if I got all those germs in my cut! It would probably go right up my arm, cause a horrible infection, I'd lose my arm, and then have to rely solely on my right arm for everything. It too would get worn out, and I'd probably lose it at some point along the way. Man, he'll be stuck doing literally EVERYTHING! I honestly think I better tell him it would be in his best interest just to do the chores without alot of hesitation. I really shudder to think what could happen if he didn't. ;) :lol:<br /><br />__________ Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:45 pm __________<br /><br />No sympathy! I tell ya! Just called hubby to let him know he's doing horse chores tonight.........he says he's bringing me home a pair of rubber gloves! LOL........BRAT! :lol:
Yes......that he is! Sometimes a little too quick! LOL! :lol:

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