OOPS... missed a major thing

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
i have this beautiful, very nice little holland lop doe.

She's a quiet girlie who likes head rubs.

She's been in an upper cage for the past month in preparation for breeding her.

I didn't notice this issue when I put her up, but I might have missed it as it's not readily apparently in a cage situation. It's also been a busy month with time enough to feed, water and do ear rubs but not a whole lot more.

Today I got to thinking, I should breed that little sweetheart. Bred a couple experienced does first and then bred this girlie, but when I put her in with the buck, her dashing around looked "WRONG" but she was friendly and eager for the buck. Pulled her out as I said "somethings off with you".. really wishing now I did so before she got friendly with the buck.

Put her in an outdoor run for a while to watch her and noticed that her front half works well, but her back half she hops with her back legs together, and the left one drags a bit when she stops.

My inclination is to cull her but.. my lad is rather distressed by that idea as she's a sweet girlie and lets him pet her and do things with her.

He says "can't we wait and see if she's okay mom? won't she get better? She'll be able to have babies right mom?"

and my heart clenches....

So what do you think? temporary thing? wait it out? or follow what my head says and say goodbye?

My son's thoughts are....you bred her, she'll have babies, if she looks badly then we can help her have the babies and then give the babies to the other does to raise.

I'm just thinking with the poorly functioning back end I'd have to cull her and do an emergency C-section....and if she is preggers that will put additional weight on her...and man...THIS BITES and I want to offer my boy hope and yet my head is thinking...sooner than later, sooner than later....
Maybe im just in a wrong place right now.. but i say give her a chance :( if her back legs let her get around without any pain.. let him keep her as a pet or rehome her as a pet?

But.. again.. im the wront person to ask right now
Is this back issue from some sort of injury? Or could it be a genetic issue?
I tend to be risk adverse. But if you and your kid can handle the worst, I don't think it would be wrong to try for a sucessful kindling.
You'll know the best thing to do.
Thats the thing, I just don't know. . I will let it play out for now. I will cull i think as soon as it looks problematic
I would err on the side of caution, but don't see anything wrong with giving her a shot. It's not like you will continue to breed her if it IS genetic, and one litter wouldn't hurt. Could even be an old injury that didn't heal right, and may have nothing to do with her lady parts, baby makin, and delivery/feeding of kits:)
Could you post a pic of how she sits/stands/moves *If you can*? It sounds like you may have a disabled bun.. I have one too just that mine weighs about 8 lbs

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