Now I really feel old

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Well-known member
May 28, 2013
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Had free HBO this weekend from Dish and we used it to veg out and do a big bunch of nothing but snack and watch movies for Father's Day weekend. It was awesome - until we were rudely made aware of a huge generational gap. We were watching Poltergeist with the kids. We didn't even get to any dialog before we had to pause the movie and explain to the kids how "in the old days" there wasn't any 24 hour tv. At some point after midnight the 3 tv stations you had would start playing the National Anthem and then some colored blocks would come up on the screen and then there would just be static until morning. They had no idea that tv ever ended at night or that someone might only have a couple of channels to watch. I could literally feel new wrinkles forming while we told them about it.
:rotfl: We were talking about that the other day! :lol: We're not old, technology is just changing fast! ;)
LOL!!!!!!!! I read this to my dad and he laughed SO hard. :)

It reminded us of a conversation with my son. One day at lunch, I said, "Do you know how old I am?" My then-7-year-old looked at me suspiciously and said "No, how old are you?" I cheerfully told him, "I'm OLDER THAN THE INTERNET!!!" He looked very skeptical and said "Nobody is older than the internet." My ex and I had to tell him that yes, we ARE older than the internet!!!! My kid's mind was blown.

When I told my dad about it, he didn't laugh. He said in a solemn, serious voice, "WAIT UNTIL HE FINDS OUT I'M OLDER THAN TV."

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I have to laugh, my wife and I have told our kids about only having 3 t.v. stations and at 11:30 p.m. they t.v. stations
stopped the signal, and they only thing you saw was the test patterns.
then to really confuse them, I got out my old stereo system, I played some 45 and 33 records.
then my youngest son asked what is that big slot for.
so of course I had to introduce them all to the ever wonderful 8 track tapes I still have.
we had a blast.
Then I got to explain, that when their grandpa was a child he did not have t.v. the entertainment in his house was sitting in front of the radio listening to radio shows, like the shadow an others.

so for a short while the wife and I were the cool retro parents.
my old junk finely paid off. LOL
LOL I sympathize with you all.

I never had to explain all that to my daughter (now 20) since we never had television.

Still don't.

We were the "weird parents" :trapped:
lol, I remember those colored blocks. I used to think they were a program...just a very boring program. Good times they were. We should go back to that.
Okay .. DH and I just recently got Netflix. We found the old 1966 Dark Shadows soap opera and went NUTS. This was THE scary show when I was a kid .. lol.

So, every night last month we came home and watched 2 or 3 episodes. Couldn't wait to settle in for our fix of "Barnabas Collins" ... It was black and white. The acting was HORRIBLE. The line flubs were hilarious. The sets were cheap and horrible.

AND WE LOVED IT! DD16 would walk by and say "WHY are ya'll watching THAT?"

So funny.
TexasCharm":2bjzdm90 said:
DD16 would walk by and say "WHY are ya'll watching THAT?"

Oh my goodness... my kids are the opposite! :p

They love watching old shows and movies... Gilligan's Island, the Munsters, Green Acres, Emergency, Adam 12, Get Smart, Flash Gordon, UltraMan, Flying Disc Man from Mars...

Plan 9 from Outer Space, Star Man (not the 80s movie), The Creature from the Black Lagoon...

Casablanca, Treasure of the Sierra Madres, Bridge on the River Kwai, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, True Grit...

If not for an old TV, an antenna that picks up ME TV, a VHS/DVD player, and thrift-store movies, we wouldn't have TV either. :lol:
Lol! "New wrinkles forming..." priceless. :)

We don't have cable or satellite either, or Netflix or anything. Haven't for a couple of years now. We watch movies- at least the rest of the family does- I usually don't.

The kids' current favorite "old show" is the James Herriot series "All Creatures Great and Small". It is British, and yes... the acting is terrible. I find it odd that Siegfried, who was supposed to be so dashing, is not terribly attractive. :?
I always feel a bit strange for my age. I'm 23 but I grew up watching the lone ranger and listening to tapes of the shadow. We had a tv when I was little, but didn't get cable until I was in my late teens. I don't think I even started watching tv much until high school whena friend moved in. And don't get me started on video games. My friends were playing them as kids and I didn't really get a game system until college. I just prefered climbing trees and gardening, or watching old black and white tapes of dracula or the three muscateers. Even now, most of my favorite music is folk tunes my mother grew up with. I hope when I have kids I can help them develope the same appreciation for older media that my parents instilled in me.
MamaSheepdog":vqaqfgyy said:
The kids' current favorite "old show" is the James Herriot series "All Creatures Great and Small". It is British, and yes... the acting is terrible. I find it odd that Siegfried, who was supposed to be so dashing, is not terribly attractive. :?

I love that show! so fun
TexasCharm":dyzzgk1v said:
Okay .. DH and I just recently got Netflix. We found the old 1966 Dark Shadows soap opera and went NUTS. This was THE scary show when I was a kid .. lol.

So, every night last month we came home and watched 2 or 3 episodes. Couldn't wait to settle in for our fix of "Barnabas Collins" ... It was black and white. The acting was HORRIBLE. The line flubs were hilarious. The sets were cheap and horrible.

AND WE LOVED IT! DD16 would walk by and say "WHY are ya'll watching THAT?"

So funny.

Dark Shadows was a TV show? I loved the movie...
Cattle Cait":o4bjrdm1 said:
TexasCharm":o4bjrdm1 said:
Okay .. DH and I just recently got Netflix. We found the old 1966 Dark Shadows soap opera and went NUTS. This was THE scary show when I was a kid .. lol.

So, every night last month we came home and watched 2 or 3 episodes. Couldn't wait to settle in for our fix of "Barnabas Collins" ... It was black and white. The acting was HORRIBLE. The line flubs were hilarious. The sets were cheap and horrible.

AND WE LOVED IT! DD16 would walk by and say "WHY are ya'll watching THAT?"

So funny.

Dark Shadows was a TV show? I loved the movie...

:eek: .... of COURSE it was.... lol.
Facts: When I was a boy.

No 'tv'....only the radio. Bout the size of a barn!

No inside plumbing....well w/pump out the back door.
Always had a bucket with water and dipper on the pump.
You had to 'prime' the pump before you used it.
Outhouse about 50 yards past the pump handle.
You did your business a'fore dark.

CRANK-handle---phone. Oak cased, mounted on wall.
I had to use a chair when I talked on one.

Took a bath in a #9 wash tub behind the cook stove in the kitchen.
One side froze....the other side got nice and toasty.

Goose-down, feather bed.....hand-sewn quilts.
About 10 of 'em in the winter.

Wood stove heat. Wood cook stove in the kitchen.
You didn't come in the house without some firewood.
Heated a brick on top the wood stove, wrapped it in newspaper,
slipped it under the blankets to keep my feet warm.

No heat upstairs in the bedrooms.

The old linoleum would curl up and bust if you stepped on it.

From this......helluva jump.

It must have been difficult to run the internet on your phone with a crank-handle ..... *snort*

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