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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
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South Eastern Oregon
So today is day 32. I just got in from checking the rabbits, and no babies yet. I had myself almost convinced she was pregnant, too. Spooky has let me down, it would seem. So four more days till rebreeding time, and then maybe she'll be pregnant. Maverick is older, too, now, so maybe he'll be pumping what he needs, since obviously this time he wasn't.

Or maybe she is still cooking a couple. I doubt it, honestly. She has been so thin and non-pregnant looking that I can't bear to hope she may be pregnant. Last time she pulled fur a whole day or two before she kindled, and this time, nothing. Blah. I am now sad. I was so CERTAIN too when I went out there that I would find a pile of fur, but no, not so much as a pulled hair.
Ah, don't give up on her yet. Maybe she's pregnant and maybe she's not... Sounds like a game of "Are there buns in my oven" to me. :)

At least rabbit gestation is short. It would be worse if you were waiting months for new young ones.
with my doe I was expecting them a month before they did actually arrived.. hehe.. but he kinda fattened up so I thought she was at it again.. then no babies for like 3 weeks.. then pop! new babies... I guess she did got fat then she got pregnant.. lol..

I do hope you still get babies.. and if not, as MaggieJ said, luckily rabbit gestation is short so you might end up with some in the next go..
I too am waiting impatiently for little ones from my new doe. This is day 31, she looks pregnant and healthy, but no kits yet. I bought her bred, or rather, I bought her and the owner agreed to breed her to the buck that produced 10 kits last time. So it isn't her first time, and she was a good mother the first time. No fur pulled when I left for work this am, but she does have a hollowed out nest in the hay/nest box. Maybe by the time I get home!! I also have a daughter of hers, Patty, and I'm waiting impatiently for her to get old enough to breed. The doe's name is Peppermint, so daughter's name came automatically.

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