Newborn with leg injury?

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
Stonyford, California
Heya guys and gals. I am hoping to pull from the vast well of knowledge that is RT. I was surprised today with a litter from Kettle, who I could have sworn was NOT pregnant. I had been limiting her pellets to keep her from gaining fat even. :oops: Despite that she had 11 kits! All of them look really good except this one kit. Please let me know what you all think. I am unsure if I should cull it now or if I should wait and see what happens.
Something isn't right there.

My first instinct is to put it out of any potential misery. :(
In your case though...You could leave it alone just too see what comes of it, for scientific purposes.
That was my first instinct as well, put it out of it's misery. I shortened the clip cause well my phone doesn't take the best videos. I will see if I can get a better clip, one a bit longer, tomorrow. There are no bite marks on it, no bruising that I can see.
It doesn't feel as if it is. I used one of it's siblings that has both front legs working properly to feel the joint and compare. I just don't know. :(
looks like it is twisted, with that paw turned backward like that.I doubt that he would ever be able to walk..I'd cull too..wouldn't want to no one ever wants to cull a newborn but .... :(
It looks like there is something wrong with the tendon in the wrist. I don't see any reason not to grow it out for meat- just watch for hair loss and abrasion on that paw once it gets older and cull if necessary at that point.
Thank you all. After MUCH consideration I will watch and see how the kit does for the next couple of days. If it is unfed and falling behind the rest of them, then it will be culled. I do not want it suffering for any reason, but I also do not want to cull for something it can live a long life with.

I will keep you all updated on how this baby does as he/she grows.
It looks to me like the leg is deformed. I think your plan is a good one, it doesn't seem to be in pain.
Okay all. I will not guarantee that the quality is any better but the clip is longer. :mrgreen:

In the first part of the video I am showing you the "normal" front leg. I was noticing that the front paw curls down and when walking/crawling Gimpy uses the top instead of the bottom of the paw. I added in one of the other kits later in the video to show the difference in how they use their paws.
