New Zealand white x New Zealand Black kits

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2012
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I bred my New Zealand white doe to my NEW Zealand Black buck looks like I got 8 blacks. I lost one. :no: Not sure yet as they are only born today but I think they are black. I also bred 3 other New Zealand white does to him so am hoping he throws some showable colors. If not I'm on the search for a white buck. If all my Does end up with the same color kits which I think is black would that mean my does are pure whites? How's this work. What does a pure black kit at birth look like? :hmm: Dood I need your help. :help: Oh master of genetics. :bow: :bow: or anyone else who understands my rambling.
Congrats Demamma!
Years ago I got a blue from my NZWxNZBlack cross. Dood could Demamma get a blue from hers or did mine carry the blue gene? :)
Getting all blacks just means you have a very pure blood NZB who does not carry the white gene on the colour area of his DNA called the "C-locus"

Black kits look dark smokey grey all over, they have less hair on their bellies so it may be very slightly lighter since you're seeing more of the skin. They should not have brown fur at the nape of their neck nor any light areas rimming their eyes or ears or a distinct colour separation between the side and belly area - if they do then they are likely agouti based and chestnuts or gold tipped steel.

It is odd is that your whites are also genetically blacks /self and don't carry the agouti gene :shrug: Posting pictures of the kits will help us deterimine if they are self (black) or agouti based

AmysMacDog buck and doe must carry dilute and if Demamma's does and buck carry the dilute/blue gene then they could produce blues. Is this colour in anyone's pedigree?
The grandfather on the NZW' s does side is a unknown. The Does mother's side is pure white far back as I can tell. The buck of the litter has blue, black and broken black in his line mostly black from what I can tell.
It is still a bit early to tell, they will fur up in a few days and any brown will be easier to see but the kit in the last picture looks suspicious and may be a steel.
Thanks Dood. The litter my buck came from was predominantly black with a couple blues and a steel.
*has found her own soapbox*

erm, agouti steel kits can fool one into thinking they are blacks.
Breed anything from a steel line into a black line...and be ready for surprises later!

(Most, but not all, NZW rabbits carry steel) I personally think most your kits look like steels now, but might not look that way later...
I cant wait to see what they look with more fur! :)

I was very surprised with my NZW last litter. I bred her to a red and got a black kit! Usually I get steels out of her, but nope this kit is almost 6 weeks old and she is still black, no hint of steel on her.
A couple have white bellies the rest have dark bellies. There are different shades of black from very black to light black not blue.
So probably 2 steels the others have dark bellies

__________ Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:49 pm __________

I love that jacket. It's worn out but so comfy.<br /><br />__________ Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:16 am __________<br /><br />The kits look like I have 4 steels and 3 blacks. I put 2 Californians in the nest with them and they are doing great. I will get more pictures later today.

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