New Website. What do you think?

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Silver Star Rabbitry

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
North Louisiana
second try - still just get a blue screen that says in a small box on the bottom .. just so you know what dial up folks see :)
Ok. Thanks for taking a look at it! I'm going to try to fiddle with it, so that maybe I can get the bugs worked out.
Thanks for letting me know Brody. I was kind of afraid of that. If I go with this one, I'm going to keep the other one active as well, just encase.

I did a Wix site too! They're so fun and flashy, but I have been discouraged that it is difficult for people with slow connections or Flash blockers to see or use. I have kind of ceased work on it because I can't figure out a way around that.

That said, I really like what you've got started. Keep it up! I think all we really need to do is be able to place a link to our old pages under neath all the Flash stuff so people that can't see the flash can just click through to a more basic site.

Here is the one I started: I think I will definitely take some cues from your layout!

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