New rabbit sneezing.

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2015
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South Central PA
Bought two rabbits last Saturday. Bought from arba show. Looked clean, good breeder. Brought home. No issues. This Friday started to sneeze. Gave it teramoacin in water
Seemed to clear gave hay and within 15 min started to sneeze. No discharge no runny eyes no wet feet. Noise is clear when you look up it. Rabbits were never on hay prior to my place. What can I do? Could this be dust related?
They are on wire cage bottoms. Remove shavings on pan? How long until I see improvement? Concerning me iscfood is still in feeder this am. Oats and pellets very little touched. Is there something else I should give or see what happens
Make sure able to get water, have you asked original breeder of sny issues? Changes in poo or sitting hunched? Thought had solid bottom cage or box is why said remove bedding. Even though take chance with show buys, most still want to know when things come up. A rabbit not eating n drinking is in trouble. There are some er threads with giving non eating rabbits a boost here. <br /><br /> -- Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:42 am -- <br /><br /> Should see improvement within day if not less. Only issue would be if piece is physically stuck, but that should bring more than occasionally sneezing.
I did call the original owner to see if anyone else was sneezing. They said no and I trust them. She acts normal. sometimes laying down on side sometimes sitting up and hopping around. Still very friendly and comes up to me. I removed the food she did not eat and put fresh in. I also changed the hay to some really nice non dusty stuff. She ate that. She also did drink water last night. I smelt the original hay that I had and it made me sneeze. It was dusty. Also stopping today and getting some pineapple to see if she eats that. At least she is eating hay. <br /><br /> -- Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:53 pm -- <br /><br /> So I tried pineapples and papaya neither she was interested in. I picked some dandelion didn't care for them. She are some hay. So we will see what happens.

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