New here - with pet mini rex

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Mar 5, 2014
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I wanted to introduce myself. I just joined. We have a 7.5 year old mini rex rabbit that we have had since he was a baby. He lives in the house like a dog would, loose. He's got his "house" that he sleeps in at night, and goes back to when he needs his litter box. We also have a 6.5 year old dog, who has been with us since he was a puppy. They both get along great...will sleep next to one another, and our dog will groom the rabbit now and again. They will even play chasing games where they each encourage the other to chase them. It's bizarre, but I'm happy it works!

How long do mini rex normally live? He's unaltered.

Nice to meet you all! I'll check around the forum.
That is SO GREAT to hear! Someone recently told me that he's likely not going to live very much longer...and it's great to know of other rabbits living to a higher age.
Welcome, Belle!

Those two in your avatar look like quite the characters.

I hope you stick around and tell us more about them.
I've always heard lower stats on age and how they are "guaranteed" to pass before x age or are very very lucky if they do, however, it seems I've always had rabbits (including MR) live way past the 5-7 mark. First Mini Rex, breeding buck and doe, way out lived the age mark. Had to be put down because of age issues though, it was just their time. Pete and MG were in their teens. I think its more of how they are taken care of and health of parents etc. But...that's just my opinion.

Welcome to the forum! :) Does look like a lively fun character :)

Hi Belle!

What an adorable rabbit, and lovely Schnauzer! :D

I love it when animals of different species become friends. So cute!

I hope you have him for many more years. :clover:
Thanks so much for the welcome, ya'll! Once I can find or purchase another cord for my camera, I'll post some pics. We just got a cute one of them sleeping in the dog's bed together.

Warren (the rabbit) has had a very interesting life. He was originally from show bunny stock. We were looking for pet rabbits at the time and found this couple in NJ who had been showing rex for years. Warren was not qualified for show because of color faults, so we purchased him and his brother for $40. His brother was a complete SPAZ from the start, whereas Warren was always like he is now. His brother passed away unexpectedly after a couple years. We think he may have had a heart attack.

Warren has lived both indoors and out, coming inside when weather reached too cold or too hot temperature, until we realized that we could just have him inside all the time because he was so well mannered. Outside, he had a hutch, and then a yard where he lived loose with our former chickens during the day (only supervised because we were afraid of predators), and in a hutch at night. Now, he's 100% in the house and incredibly well mannered. He and our dog, Watson, have always gotten along. And thank you, he's a schnauzer. I'm happy you can recognize that because I've been cutting his hair myself lately. LOL.

Now I'm rambling along. Thanks for the replies! I look forward to reading more in the forum and participating.
I lost my oldest doe last year. I had her about 13 years and she was an adult when I got her.
the 5-7 year mark some believe to be max life spans may be due to bedding ...some types of wood shavings commonly used for pet rabbits for years shortened their life spans (caused I think it was kidney failure?...I'm not completely awake and my memory is kinda iffy to begin with :p)...forgot which it was though...I often hear of rabbits living well past seven years(though I'm not saying rabbits that don't live this long aren't well cared for) if kept in good conditions and I have even heard of rabbits living 20+ accurate that is I can't say as I didn't see them in person but you never really know :)
The dog and rabbit enjoy sleeping together in the dog bed. <3

:fainting: OMG! That is too cute!

And I LOVE the spots on Warren's chest- he is one handsome little rabbit!