Nest Box Problems

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2015
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I have a few does bred now, and I am having a problem with mice. They can't get into the cages, and we are catching them in traps, and it seems to be slowly working. My nest boxes had quite a lot of mouse droppings in them when I pulled them out, so I used ammonia and vinegar, and cleaned them out twice, using hot water as well. Figured they'd be clean enough. All three does that are nesting, are nesting BESIDE the nest box. One is a first timer, so she isn't concerning me, I'm happy she's at least making a nest. Second one is a veteran, and last litter, she had an oops, and had them all over her cage. I was home, and put them in the box, and she took care of them beautifully. Third doe is my baby, Tallulah. She lost her first litter, all 8 of them, and it was my fault. They fell out of the box, and then out of the cage. Since then, she has refused to use a box, and I don't blame her for that. Her last litter, I did put them in the box once they were born, and she took care of them, all 8. My question is, what should I do? Should I put the babies in the boxes once they are born, or should I just let them be? I'm worried, and confused. Worried because it's getting cold here, and the wind is terrible. They're using their boxes as litter boxes. I swear it's me. :(
Maybe you can shelter the nestes where they are by putting a cardboard box with an entrance hole cut into one side over them. I use such closed (wooden) nest boxes, work great.
And I have no idea how to deter a rabbit from a chosen litter spot. They just keep soiling it, no matter what I do.
Nest boxes are handmade with pine by my dad. I use shavings in the bottom. Not sure if there is still a smell or not, we rinsed them with hot water multiple times. <br /><br /> -- Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:32 pm -- <br /><br /> Their nests are still sheltered, so I'm not too worried, just more confused, and not sure if I can/should move them once they are born.
Not sure on size, they've had litters in them before, and it was never an issue. They're made from pine, and not the cheap knotty pine. Just this time, there's something wrong. He took measurements of boxes for sale at shows, and made them himself.