Nervous First Time Secretary!!

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2012
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West Central Florida
Wow, do I have a new appreciation for show secretaries!!! Taking on my first show in this role and am totally exhausted and the show isn't even until tomorrow!!! More turn out than we expected and the show is a triple open and double youth with over 1300 entries....oh my!! Love being able to pitch in and help my club, just hoping I don't mess anything up too much!!!
1300 entries??? :shock:

No wonder you are wiped out!

Kudos to you for taking on the job. :)

I'm sure everything will go smoothly.

Have a great time at the show tomorrow!
Wow, that's a lot of rabbits!

I'm sure things will go great- try to relax and remember to enjoy the show!
I survived!! Barely! Show was a lot of fun but am surprised by the amount of people that send in incorrect entries....their errors, confirm check in sheets are correct and then EXPECT to move all of their entries around day of show??? Overall, everyone was patient and pitched in to make the show run smoothly! 1300 open and 400 youth entries! Josh Humphries was incredible, fast and thorough! Other judges were great too and can not believe how great they all were. My daughter took BOB in Mini Rex Show A out of 74, BOB and BOSB in show B out of 70 and BOSB in C, we knew she would not win BOB because that judge will NEVER put a doe up for BOB.
We enjoyed the show! Our grand daughter shows youth Hollands and we'd been to the Ocala show to visit friends and pick up rabbits a couple of times, this was our first trip to show. Everything seemed to run smoothly and efficiently. It was nice to see the emphasis placed on youth there instead of them being an afterthought like they are at some shows. I wrote for Greg West and enjoyed it very much. GD picked up 2 legs yesterday with 2 different rabbits that we've raised. A BJB in show A won his class and a BSD took BOB out of the 50+ Hollands in show B! Needless to say we were very pleased.
Where a lot of show secretaries get sideways IMHO is to put off processing of entries until the last minute versus just plugging them onto spreadsheets as they're received. It makes dealing with the "no minute like the last minute" crowd a lot less chaotic, and the Kentucky Cup this past spring is a prime example.

Best of luck to you, hang in there, and know that what you're doing is very important.
Glad you enjoyed the show Bill, there were a lot of Hollands!! But, would you believe in Open the largest entry was Flemish Giants! 52 of them, I really felt for the judges! Greg is one of the most consistent judges we show to, and is super nice to boot!!<br /><br />__________ Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:21 pm __________<br /><br />Glad you enjoyed the show Bill, there were a lot of Hollands!! But, would you believe in Open the largest entry was Flemish Giants! 52 of them, I really felt for the judges! Greg is one of the most consistent judges we show to, and is super nice to boot!!
LOL, I saw that total when I was checking where breeds were going to be up. I'm just glad I didn't have to flip that many of those giants! That's the first time we'd shown to Greg. He took his time and posed Hollands correctly. We picked up a class win and a leg under him.

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