need some advice

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Active member
May 24, 2013
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warren grove n.j.
I just had three of my thrianta does kindle litters, 6,4 and 5 respectfully all doing well.
I had a fourth doe that was bred, she was my daughters rabbit (not a thrianta) she had two babies,both stillborn. The next afternoon my neighbors dog rousted a wild rabbits nest and four little wigglers ended up orphans.They were about two days old. I put them in the nestbox of the doe who lost her 2 babies. So far she is fostering them and they have fat little bellies. Does anyone have any experience with this and what can i expect. Is there a chance they can be released back into the wild or am i stuck with them. I am now wondering the wisdom of my actions but I could not let them just die without trying something. Any help or suggestions would be welcome. Thanks in advance. willie
I would be concerned about possible disease transmission, although to be honest I don't know if Cottontails carry anything domestic rabbits can get, aside from warts and parasites. :?

It might be best to quarantine the doe and kits away from your other rabbits.

I know that we have members with experience with caring for orphaned wild rabbits, and they can better advise you on when they start to become fearful of humans.

I would suggest putting the doe and kits in a pen made of 2" x 4" fencing at that point so the kits can get through the wire and leave when they are ready.
I did separate the doe. I was not going to keep her anyway. Now I am not sure how. I dont want to sell her to anyone if there is a chance of any disease. thanks for the insight.
I cant offer any advice in this situation, but im guessing they should be fine, Im not sure about releasing them , But good luck, I will be thinking of you, I lOve all animals and you giving these babies a chance is wonderful, Im im sure the momma is happy to have kits :)
been there done that.

Once it was fine, second time doe got a respiratory thing happening. First time kits were released into the wilds, one hung around eating my garden until I sicced the dog on it(it left and didn't return), second time the kits and doe were culled.

I would ONLY do this with a doe you are willing to cull. For me one time it worked out, the second time it did not. now that I have a buyer for baby culls I simply kill them, it's not worth the risk to me.