Natted Skirt

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Well-known member
May 26, 2013
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The other day my 6 year old doe came running to me molting badly she is molting in october. I brush her every week and she has a LARGE skirt and she was molting and it managed to nat itself up and it a big ball of natted fur what should I do?
Hmmm... that is a problem. I know our little indoor bun, Pinto, didn't used to let us do anything to him. But when he got wry neck, and ended up with soiled, matted fur, he just lay there and let me trim a bunch of his fur off. Couldn't believe it.

If she won't let you do that, you may need to try to restrain her. If you can't get help, maybe you can do like some do for nail clipping, and wrap her in a towel, uncovering the mats for trimming a little at a time.

Other than that, I don't know. :(
lay her flat on her back with her head tucked under your arm. cover her feet with a towel if you need to but otherwise just hold her firmly. keep talking to her and letting her know you are doing it for her own good. You want to get those mats out as if they get too tight they can tear the skin.
Not sure if it will work for you but when we have to comb out the skirts in our Lionheads I flip them over and hold them like a baby. Usually they are more agreeable to getting combed out then. We use a flea comb which has worked well whenever we find mats. We tried clipping out some before and I clipped a bun so we do not do clipping anymore.
try covering her in a baby blanket, or towel, and put her on a unfamiliar area. it always helps me with Marshmellow, who does not like to be touched

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