My rabbits are dying and I don't know why..

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Well-known member
May 28, 2013
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In the last week/just over a week, we've lost 4 does, all were 1-2.5 yrs old. Our does live in a colony set up so I made sure to open them up to see if I could figure out why, and prevent more from dying. Lungs, liver, etc all looked normal in all of them. However, they were all very bloated. Their poor intestines looked like balloons. So I assumed bloat. The first one that died didn't show any symptoms that I saw but she was a skittish one that would often hide. The rest have all had the same symptoms: stopped eating, inactive, a hunched crawl instead of a hop when encouraged to move. All have died 24hrs or less after showing symptoms. ...except a buck that had recently been with the does started showing signs and since I assumed bloat, I started giving him simethicone. He's doing much better. Oh, I also gave everyone a lot of hay. The third doe was also given simethicone but still died less than 24 hrs later. The 4th doe just started showing slight signs last night and was dead this afternoon (she has a litter just a couple days old that I'm now hoping I can hand feed). I have a doe tonight that's showing the same signs as well. Could bloat hit that many like that? Is there anything else it could be? What can I do? One other thing that I've noticed and can't figure out is this milkiness in the eyes. They all have had a tiny bit in the corner of their eyes however this is the 2nd one right after it died:

I am no rabbit expert more dogs, but the eye does not look very pink to me, and I would check the gums and see if they are pale too.
That would make me think severe anemia. Fleas, low iron and b vitamins, or spleen issues, would be something to check. If they are in a colony are they open to dirt and odd plants? I think there are some you tube videos about problems with ground living colonies.
The white you see in that eye is actually like a discharge or something, not the eye itself. There are no plants in the colony. They've been long gone. They're just on a dirt ground.
Mostly pellets but also chicken feed (they live with our hens and they steal the hens food and the hens steal their food at times), but they also get scraps from the kitchen, and hay (more in the fall & winter)/weeds (more in the spring & summer). All the same food they've had all their life.
I have read several times on RT that coccidiosis can cause bloat and unexplained deaths like this.

I have no answer for the milky substance in the eye, though.
My understanding is that bloat can be the result of just about any GI disorder that spirals out of control.
I don't understand the milky eye situation either. It's just not something I have any experience with. :(

I have learned to be wary enough about quality control in feed mills that RABBIT feed makes me nervous. There have been many breeders who have lost rabbits, or maybe just weanlings from opening a new bag. I know I have.

Since chickens are said to be less sensitive to mold toxins (and my experience with them also seems to confirm that), I'd be extra suspicious of the presence of mold toxins in chicken feed, even if it's never been a problem before.
The product may not negatively affect hens in any noticeable way, but, might still kill rabbits.
Mold (and invisible mold toxins) just...kills rabbits.
IMO this could be the result of a bad batch of chicken OR rabbit feed. :(

But, I also wouldn't think it was impossible for the rabbits to be succumbing to a disease, parasite, or or bacterial infection from contact with the hens feces, or their own.

Maybe someone can help clear things up with the milkiness as a clue?
the problem is bloat can happen really fast after death depending on their diet. What are you feeding your chickens? if the rabbits have access to the chicken food their could be something in there that had done something to the rabbits, even chicken poop has a lot of bacteria and can be dangerous if inhaled too much, I can't remember what it's called some kind of lung disease. I would move your rabbits to their own pen and put them on an alfalfa diet with minimal pellets to kinda get them back on track.

The white discharge from the eyes makes me think of a Tear Duct infection. rabbits can get it if they have ingrown teeth or something wrong with the sinuses.
overall, running chickens with rabbits tends to NOT be a good idea.. rabbits can catch things from chickens.

Given the speed at which you are losing your rabbits... I'd have to say it's a feed issue more than a "oh, something just blew in illness issue".
I don't know about the milky eye thing either, but I know that when my guinea pig died, her eyes filled with a milky liquid and I read that it's common for that to happen. Not sure if that's related or not. :(
An update: The 5th doe that started to show signs started to act like she was getting better but eventually died last Friday. The day I made the original post we finished off the feed we had. *knock on wood* We haven't had any other problems since. I really hope it was just a bad batch of feed. Just a little while ago I made a post about the kits who's mom died: questions-on-hand-raising-kits-t25454.html